Clarenville Area Pickleball League

Clarenville, Newfoundland and Labrador

Locations of courts

We currently play at the Clarenville Middle School Gym. We play on Tuesday nights from 8:00 PM to 10:00 pm.

Members are responsible for setting up nets at the start of the session and returning them to the equipment room at the end of the night. Fred Hiscock, director at large will be responsible for collecting and retaining balls,

Fred will also be monitoring equipment for safety and will be making recommendations for purchasing new equipment.
Any player experiencing faulty or unsafe equipment is ask to report this to Fred immediately and have it removed from competition. 


President- Rod Nicholl 

Vice President  - David Laite 

Secretary- Marlene Matthews 

Treasurer- Theresa Dobbin Pittman 

Technical Director- Gulam Hussainbhoy 

Registrar- Joan  Nicholl 

Directors - Joy Pinsent,  Wayne Coombs, Fred Hiscock