Great Lakes Pickleball Club

Minutes of E-Vote Dec. 17-24

Great Lakes Pickleball Club

Minutes of Meeting

Re: Constitutional Changes E-Vote

December 17, 2024

An email was sent to all members of the GLPC to request a change and e-vote be held on another change to Article 6 of the Great Lakes Pickleball Club Constitution.

The email stated the following:

Hi Folks,

Here we go again! The changes we voted on last week to Article 6 on our club constitution don't work for the bank. They cannot have two sets of signing rules, one for signing cheques and a different one for making e-transfers etc. We need to change Article 6 again to allow the treasurer (Ginny Bird) to make all financial transactions independently with Lee and Cathy reviewing the account every 6 months.

Please see the 2nd amendment on Article 6 below and if you agree or disagree, please respond to this email with a YES or NO response by Wednesday, Dec. 18th at the latest.

We need 2/3's of our membership for the vote to pass. Thank you for your patience as we work through the hurdles of getting our club up and running. You have all been awesome in responding to everything we have asked for!


Over 2/3 of our members responded and the constitution was amended to reflect the Treasurer of GLPC could make all financial transactions independently without a 2nd signer. The bank account will be reviewed every six months as part of the club’s due diligence.

The e-Vote was passed with 20 e-votes responding by Dec. 17. As of Dec. 17, the following members responded to the email:

Don Ricciuto

Cathy Haldenby

Sue Bernier

Paula Blair

Julie Wardell

Fran Ruypers

Dave Moffitt

Jim Cartwright

Chantal Cartwright

Cathy Cornish

Frances Scott

Mark Merchant

John Gautrey

Jenn Gautrey

Ginnie Ruypers

Ingrid Letham

Lee Kerrigan

Wendy Walker

Ginny Bird

Arne Nielsen