Great Lakes Pickleball Club Constituion
Date: November 1, 2024
Amended: December 17, 2024
Note: A Regular Playing Member (RPM) is defined as any member with a paid annual membership.
- Promote Pickleball as a sport in the City of Sarnia and Lambton County.
- Provide opportunities for club members to play outside of programs offered by the city.
- Provide opportunities for club members to interact socially.
Article 1: Meetings
Annual General Meeting. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year. Date to be determined by the Directors.
Notice of Meeting. Notice of the AGM must be given to all members at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.
Voting Rights. Current members of the GLPC shall have one vote at the AGM or other general meetings called by the Directors.
Quorum, voting, amendments. At all club meetings, 25% of members present, shall constitute a quorum. Only members in attendance may vote at meetings. The provisions for online voting may be established by the Board of Directors prior to the election with online vote results brought to the meeting and combined with the in-house meeting vote.
Motions may be passed by majority vote at all meetings except for an amendment to the Constitution which will require a 2/3 majority vote. Any RPM in good standing may submit to the Board a proposed amendment to the Constitution at least two weeks prior to the AGM.
Order of Business. The suggested order of business at the AGM of the club shall be as follows:
Call to order
Approval of minutes of previous AGM Report of Treasurer
Report of Chair
Amendments to the Constitution Miscellaneous or Special Business Election of Directors Adjournment
Additional meetings may be called by the Directors as required.
Article 2: Membership – Dues, Voting, Just Cause Clause
- Eligibility. All residents of Sarnia and the surrounding communities in Lambton County are eligible for membership in the club. Directors may use whatever criteria they deem appropriate to decide who is accepted into the club.
- Fees. The Directors shall have the power to change membership fees as required.
- Membership year. The membership year shall run from January 1 to December 31.
- Voters. The voting members of the club shall be all the RPM holding an up-to-date membership
- Quorum. Consist of a minimum of 25% of members present at the meeting. Must be a GLPC regular playing member and live in Lambton County.
- Directors. Directors shall have the power to refuse a membership renewal to “non-active” members. Directors have the power to suspend or expel any member for just cause. (see examples below of “just cause”) Members who are unable to play for medical reasons, injuries or any other reason deemed acceptable by the Directors must pay full membership fees to maintain their place in the club.
- Just Cause. The Board of Directors shall have the power to suspend or expel any member for just cause. Examples of just cause include failure to pay membership fees when they are due, unsportsmanlike conduct, failure to follow proper protocol in disputes or other actions, any action which damages the reputation of the club or the ability of the Directors to fulfill their duties.
Article 3: Board of Directors – Composition, term of Office, Quorum
- Number of Directors. Five directors will be elected from the RPM at the AGM. These directors shall take office immediately following the AGM.
- Election of Officers. At the AGM, the nominees will be elected through a ballot system and voted on to elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Social/Technical Relations. Duties of each officer are described in Article 4. Additional duties can be assigned with the agreement of the Directors.
Term of Office. Board positions are for a two-year term or until the next AGM. There is no restriction on the number of terms a person can serve.
Quorum. A quorum for conducting business at a Director’s meeting shall consist of a minimum of four board members.
Article 4: Board of Directors – Duties, Vacancies, Meetings, Removal of Director, Conflict of Interest.
Responsibilities. The club shall be managed by its Board of Directors, who shall establish, regulate, and direct the policies and objectives of the club. The Directors shall direct, review and approve all matters concerning the club.
Chair, The Chair shall be the chief executive officer. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the membership and board of directors’ meetings. The Chair shall appoint with the approval of the Board, ad hoc committees, chairpersons, and members where necessary. The Chair will be the main contact person with all correspondence between GLPC and Pickleball Canada/Ontario. The Chair or designate shall act as the chief spokesperson and negotiator for club activities.
Vice Chair, The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in the performance of the Chair’s duties and shall exercise all powers of the Chair in the case of the Chair’s resignation, incapacity, removal, or death. The Vice Chair shall preside over all meetings of the club or the Board at which the Chair is not present.
Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be the Chief Financial Officer and shall be responsible for the financial management of the organization. The Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.
Secretary. The Secretary shall give the notice of meetings and keep the minutes of all meetings. The notices of these meetings shall be sent out by the Secretary to the members two weeks prior to the AGM and to the Board one week prior to any Board meeting.
Minutes of the AGM meetings shall be sent out to the members following the AGM. Minutes of Board Meetings will be sent to Board members following all Board Meetings. The Secretary shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.
Public/Technical Relations. The Public/Technical Relation position will manage and coordinate all public relations for the GLPC and assist members with using the Bench App.
- Vacancies. If a vacancy shall occur on the Board, the remaining members of the Board may, by a majority vote, elect a successor for the unexpired term. Except that a vacancy in the office of the Chair shall be succeeded by the Vice Chair.
- Action without a Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board shall be considered done whether the members meet in person, via computer or via telephone communication or any combination thereof. The results of any action shall have the same force and effect as if the Board had met in person.
- Removal of Director. At any meeting of the Board, any officer or member of the Board may, by a vote of not less than three/fifths of the entire Board, be removed from office, with or without cause, and a successor may be elected pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution.
- Conflict of Interest. Any Director, who is party to, has a material interest in, or who is party to a material contract shall disclose the nature and extent of their interest. The Director shall be excluded from discussions when a conflict of interest is likely to result.
- Membership cap. To control membership size, the Board shall have the power to impose a cap on the number of RPM. Further to this, the Board may raise or lower the cap as deemed necessary.
Article 5: Protection of Directors
Every Director of the club, in exercising their powers and discharging their duties, shall act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the club, and exercise care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances. Subject to the foregoing, no Director shall be liable for the acts, receipts, neglects, or defaults of any other Director, or for any damage or expense happening to the club.
Article 6: Finances.
The Great Lakes Pickleball Club is a not-for-profit association. The Treasurer of Great Lakes Pickleball Club can make deposits, withdrawals, e-transfers and sign cheques on their own accord without the requirement of a second signature. Every six months a review of the account will be done by two of the three signing officers. There shall be no monetary compensation for Board Members.