Great Lakes Pickleball Club

Minutes - Oct. 20, 2024

Great Lakes Pickleball Club

Minutes of October 20, 2024 Meeting

Meeting called to order at 11:30 am.

Seventeen members were in attendance forming a quorum.

Vice-Chair tabled that we form our own club.

Motioned by Jennifer Gautrey, Seconded by Michelle Faerge

All voted in favour. Motion passed.

Next we voted on a name for our Club.

Choices suggested included:

-Dynamic Pickleball Club

-Great Lakes Pickleball Club

-Lake Huron Pickleball Club

-St. Clair Pickleball Club

Motion put forward to choose GREAT LAKES PICKLEBALL CLUB.

Motion voted on and GREAT LAKES PICKLEBALL CLUB was chosen. 1 person dissented.

We discussed forming and adopting a constitution which is mandated by Pickleball Ontario to legally form our own club. It was agreed that Secretary Sue Bernier would prepare a draft constitution and would email it to all members for review and approval.

We then discussed our membership with Pickleball Ontario. Our current membership expires December 31, 2024.

Once “GREAT LAKES PICKLEBALL CLUB” is approved and setup under the PBO website, our players can renew their memberships with both PB Ontario and PB Canada. The fees are $10.00 per person/per membership.

If members of “GREAT LAKES PICKLEBALL CLUB” want to join other clubs, they only have to pay the individual club fees associated with that other club. Fees for PB Ontario and PB Canada are paid once annually. All information, for any other club, including their fees, can be found on their website.

“GREAT LAKES PICKLEBALL CLUB” fees will be determined, by the Board, in the near future, and all members will be advised at that time.

All members must renew their membership with both PB Ontario and PB Canada before December 10th to give us enough time to secure a new insurance certificate by Jan 1st 2025.

Wendy Walker wanted to know if you needed to participate for the full seven months. Acknowledging that some members leave for vacations it should be noted that you still have to have paid your dues for the full seven months regardless of the number of months you played.


There has to be 5 members on the new executive, consisting of a Chairperson, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Public Relations/Tech

Motion by Wendy Walker, seconded by Ginnie Ruypers was put forward to elect LEE KERRIGAN for Chairperson. Voted, all in favour.

Motion was put forward by Ginnie Ruypers, seconded by Don Ricciuto to elect CATHY HALDENBY as Vice-Chair. Voted, all in favour.

Motion was put forward by Brigitte James, seconded by Michelle Faerge to elect GINNY BIRD for Treasurer. Voted, all in favour.

Motion was put forward by Paula Blair, seconded by Ingrid Letham to elect SUE BERNIER for Secretary. Voted, all in favour.

Motion was put forward by Brigitte James, seconded by Michelle Faerge to elect JULIE WARDELL for Public Relations/Tech. Voted, all in favour.


Existing problems with the BENCH App were discussed. Sue is looking into these problems and will keep us updated on solutions.

Motion by Ingrid Letham, seconded by Michelle Faerge to adjourn meeting at 12:15 was put forward. Voted, all in favour.

Next meeting to be at the call of the Chair.