Horseshoe Valley Pickleball


Bylaws of Horseshoe Valley Pickleball

Article I: Name and Mission

1.1 Name: The organization shall be known as Horseshoe Valley Pickleball (HVPB)

1.2 Mission: To promote fitness, camaraderie and a sense of community within the Horseshoe Valley Pickleball Club. This will be done by facilitating safe, inclusive, fun and engaging games of pickleball at the Memorial Park.

Article II: Membership

2.1 Eligibility: Membership is open to individuals 18+ interested in playing pickleball. All members must be current members of both Pickleball Ontario and Pickleball Canada.

2.2 Membership Dues: Annual membership dues shall be determined by The Board.

2.3 Rights and Privileges: Members in good standing shall have the right to participate in club activities and vote in club elections.

2.4 Non-members: Non-members or guests may play with the club two times before being requested to join the club. Waiver form must be filled out each time the guest plays. Special requests may be made of non local visitors.

2.5 Membership dates are under the guidelines of Pickleball Ontario, Pickleball Canada and The Board.

2.6 All members must adhere to the HVPB Code of Conduct. Any member violating the code of conduct may have their membership terminated by a Board vote and may apply to rejoin the club the following year on Board approval.

Article III: Board of Directors

3.1 Composition: The Board of Directors (The Board) shall consist of seven members elected by the general membership.

3.2 Term: Board members shall serve two-year terms, ending on October 31 of each year.

3.3 Duties: The Board shall oversee the management and affairs of the club, including but not limited to financial matters, event planning, and membership recruitment.

3.4 Meetings: The Board shall meet regularly to discuss club business and make decisions on behalf of the membership.

3.5 Quorum: A majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

3.6 Change of Board: In the case of a loss of a Board member to any number of factors, resignation, illness, temporary injury, death, The Board reserves the right to appoint someone from the membership into an “acting” Board position. The Board may also choose to leave the position vacant depending on circumstances.

3.7 Guidelines for any special voting circumstances, timelines, online voting, should be clearly established by The Board at the first meeting of the year.

3.8 An existing board member may run and be elected for consecutive terms.

3.9 Any board member resigning or dismissed from their position prior to the end of their term must wait 12 months from the end of the current fiscal year of their resignation before running for a board position.

Article IV: Liabilities

4.1 HVPB will have no legal responsibility for loss, damage or injury sustained by any member or guest while using the facilities or premises of HVPB or during HVPB sponsored hours and events.

4.2 No member will incur any indebtedness to HVPB, except by authority of The Board.

4.3 No member of HVPB will be personally liable as a partner or otherwise under this agreement.

4.4 HVPB will, as a general business practice, carry liability insurance for the board and its members under the Pickleball Canada organization.

4.5 No board member shall be liable for acts, receipts, neglect, or default of any other board member, or any damage or expense happening to the club.

Article V: Annual General Meeting

5.1 Timing: The Annual General Meeting shall be held in September/October of each year, as determined by the Board.

5.2 Agenda: The agenda shall include reports from the Board, financial statements, and details for the election of new Board members.

5.3 Notice: Notice of the meeting shall be provided to all members at least twenty days in advance.

Article VI: Amendments

6.1 Process: These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any general meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given to the membership at least twenty days in advance.

Article VII: Dissolution

7.1 Dissolution: In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be distributed to one or more organizations exempt from federal income tax, as determined by The Board.

Article VIII: Adoption

8.1 Adoption: These bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a majority vote of The Board.

Article IX: Severability

9.1 Severability: If any provision of these bylaws is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Article X: Effective Date

10.1 Effective Date: These bylaws shall take effect immediately upon adoption by the inaugural Board.