Seba Pickleball And Tennis Association (SPATA)

Seba Pickleball And Tennis Association (SPATA)

Seba Beach, Alberta


  • You must call out the score so your opponents can hear, before serving the ball.
  • The server must wait for the receiver to be ready before serving.
  • You do line calls on your side of the net, and NOT on the other side.
  • You may ask the opposition to help with a call, and then their decision is FINAL.
  • If you did not see where a ball bounced—in or out on your side of the net – IT IS IN
  • For non-officiated recreational play, non-volley zone faults (such as foot faults) may be called by any player on either team. It is up to the called person and the side to acknowledge the call, remembering we are playing for fun.