Wawa Pickleball Club

Wawa, Ontario
  • Summer venue and dates

    It’s going to rain ☔️ ☔️☔️☔️☔️Date changed for Michipicoten First Nations from Friday June 28 to JULY 5 at 1 pm 

    Summer schedule: 

    Starting June 3rd Mondays 6 pm at MMCC for Wawa Pickleball members. Free, paid for by your membership. 
    We still have the school gym on Wednesday evenings until June 12th. 

    Public, open Pickleball days sponsored by MMCC are Tuesday and Thursdays from 12 noon until 3 pm. The cost is $3 per session. 

    We were successful in receiving a grant funded by the Government of Canada and ParticipACTION. This money will be used to offer 4 introductory sessions to the public and buy new equipment. Jim ordered new balls, guaranteed to always bounce in the desired direction. 

    The free introductory sessions 

    Monday June 10th  and Monday June 24th,  6 pm at the MMCC

    Saturday June 8th 1 PM and Friday June 28th at 1 PM at the outdoor rink at Michipicoten First Nations.

    These sessions are open to all ages and all abilities. 

    Pickleball members please attend to to help with instructions. 

    April 23rd, 2024
  • Prizes

    We put all members names in for a free draw. Guylaine Domich won the Pickleball towel and Tanner Belanger won the Pickleball headband. Congratulations. 

    January 17th, 2024
  • General information

    Register online at https://pickleballcanada.org   to buy your membership.

    October 4th, 2023

Payment Methods
