Yukon Pickleball Association

Rental Booking Form

You must be a current YPA member to request a booking and/or participate in the organized event.

The YPA member making a request for booking is considered to be the coordinator. The coordinator must first:

Review the Flexihall availability through the online facility booking and determine date, time and position of the flexihall area (i.e., 1/3 front, etc.) they are interested in.

Determine the number of participants for the booking. The number of participants must meet the CGC user group bookings and COVID guidelines for the determined court usage.


Verify that each participant is a current YPA member. This can be done on line by going to the Pickleball Canada site and searching “member lookup”. If an individual’s name does not appear on the PC site then they cannot be included in the group booking. Only current YPA members are entitled to the benefit of this booking.


Complete a booking request form with all the details for the request for rental and sign the agreement to take responsibility for the group and all that it involves for the duration of the booking.

Send via email the Booking Request form to jgilpin@northwestel.net and it will be forwarded to the YPA contact.

YPA contact person (board member) will review the request and if it meets the set requirements, the request will be forwarded to the CGC booking office with authorization to proceed.

The CGC booking office would then deal directly with the Coordinator of that group, who then assumes responsibility for the rental.

                                                      Booking request fillable form.pdf