Kootenay Pickleball Classic Tournament and Clinic
The Kootenay Pickleball Classic Tournament and Clinic is coming to Balfour BC.
August 30 to September 4th 2022.
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in North America.
There will be Pickleball action and events for EVERYONE!
We will have a 'Try It' event, where you can borrow a paddle and get on the courts to give PB a try and see what all the excitement is about!
Recreational players: Can participate in the 1/2 day or full day Clinics being presented by Expert Pickleball Coach and Educator Mark Renneson from Third Shot Sports.
Tournament players: and higher level players wishing to improve their performance can also sign up for a 1/2 day or full day clinic and training session run by Mark from Third Shot Sports.
For those of you who have been wanting to get into Pickleball Instruction, Mark will be facilitating a NCCP Instructors Certification Course.
And finally, for all players from beginner to advanced, there will be a Round Robin format Tournament from September 2-4th.
You can sign up for Mixed Doubles, Men's Doubles and Women's Doubles.
This will be the 1st Kootenay Classic Event in the Kootenays. So, we will have a t-shirt to commemorate the occasion!
Get out your calendars and mark these dates!!
Aug 30-Sept 4.
Prices and further details will follow.