Comox Valley Pickleball Association

Welcome to the Comox Valley Pickleball Association

In 2015 a group of passionate and dedicated players got together to explore how we can improve playing options and advance the sport that we love. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in Canada and we want to “catch the wave” and be prepared. As a step towards developing our sport, the non-profit CVPA was formed.

CVPA will serve the communities of Comox, Courtenay, Cumberland and the surrounding Regional District.

Our mandate is:

  • To assist and promote the growth of Pickleball as a game for all ages;
  • To assist with the development and utilization of local Pickleball facilities;
  • To assist with the improvement of our members’ level of skill and enjoyment;
  • To provide similar and related services as determined by the membership.

Our vision is:

Our initial vision of having dedicated pickleball courts in the Comox Valley has been realized with the completion of the Rotary Highland dedicated courts and the resurfacing of the Martin Park courts. CVPA now hopes to increase the enjoyment of the game of pickleball for our members by using our first class outdoor venues to their full benefit, offering competitive and non-competitive events and play. We will continue to move forward in a positive, co-operative manner.

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
Registration Opened
Registration Fees
Price $15.54 per registrant

All prices in CAD $
Refund Policy: All fees are NON-REFUNDABLE.


Comox Community Centre
Indoor Play
1855 Noel Avenue, Comox
(250) 339-2255

Cumberland CRI Hall
Indoor Play
2665 Dunsmuir Avenue, Cumberland
(250) 336-2231

19 Wing Fitness & Community Centre
Indoor Play
1575 Military Row, Comox
(250) 339-8211 ext. 8315

Native Sons Hall
Indoor Play
360 Cliffe Avenue, Courtenay

Rotary Highland Courts
Outdoor Play
6 courts with permanent nets @ 775 Torrence Road, Comox

Martin Park
Outdoor Play
5 courts @ 20th Street (just off of Willemar), Courtenay

Village Park
Outdoor Play
2 courts with permanent nets @ Dunsmuir & 6th Street, Cumberland



Please note the total registration fee is $32.63

The registration fee is broken down as follows:

  • Comox Valley Pickleball Association: $15.54
  • Membership (Pickleball BC): $5.00
  • Pickleball Canada (Pickleball Canada): $10.00
  • Credit Card Processing Fee: $2.09


Payment Methods


* Small processing fee applies

Other Information

Please note the total registration fee is $35.26.

The registration fee is broken down as follows:
Comox Valley Pickleball Association: $15.54
Membership (Pickleball BC): $7.50
Pickleball Canada (Pickleball Canada): $10.00
Credit Card Processing Fee: $2.22
Grand Total: $35.26