THURSDAY LADDER  (3 WEEK) June 13, 20, 27   9am - 12pm

THURSDAY LADDER (3 WEEK) June 13, 20, 27 9am - 12pm

June 27th, 2024Mill Bay, British Columbia


Each week, players will be placed on pre-assigned courts in groups of 5 for a mini Round Robin. Court 1 is the top of the ladder and Court 4 the bottom. With 5 players assigned to a court, a bye will be built into the Round Robin play. All players will play 8 doubles games with the other 4 players on their court, keeping track of their scores on a score sheet. Games are played to 11 points with no two-point difference.

At the end of the day, the score sheets are submitted to the coordinator, who will calculate the ladder standings based on the day’s results. The following week, players will be assigned to each court based on the new ladder standings with the top player from week one moving “up a court” and the bottom player “down a court”. Because Court 1 can only move down, and Court 4 can only move up, those courts will only lose and gain one player.

There are lots of calculations involved in keeping track of ladder play, but the bottom line is that you just need to sign up, show up, play on your assigned court and write down your scores. The coordinator will take care of the rest.


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Registration will be closed once the event is full and there are a sufficient number on the waitlist to cover last minute cancellations. The Confirmation List will then be posted on the event page.