Charlottetown Pickleball Club

Charlottetown Pickleball Club

Charlottetown, Île-du-Prince-Édouard


Pickleball Canada Insurance

Please report all incidents to Alva Coade at and she will help you complete the required forms and forward them to Pickleball Canada. Your safety and well-being are our number one priorities.

To comply with Pickleball Canada's Insurance Company's Policy, all reports must be filed with Pickleball Canada as soon as possible after the incident occurs, and no later than seven (7) days after the incident. (Incident Report Form)

The insurer must receive notice of your accident within 30 days of the accident date and receive claim documentation within 90 days of the claim. (Sports Accident Claim Form)

There is an additional Incident Report Form to complete at UPEI (request this form from the Sports Centre main desk)