Grimsby Pickleball Association

Grimsby Pickleball Association

Grimsby, Ontario

Tarif et dates limites

30 mars 2025 7h00 (Heure de l'Est)Les inscriptions débuteront le 30 mars 7h00
Frais d’inscription
Tarif 95,00$ par inscrit(e)

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Politique de remboursement : AUCUN frais N’EST REMBOURSABLE.

Registration for the 2025 Outdoor Season

GPA is proud to announce we have secured dedicated court time for the outdoor season at Mayfair Courts in Grimsby, Ontario. The Town of Grimsby Parks & Recreation have implemented some significant changes and as part  of our agreement to play on the courts GPA can only take players that that have a Grimsby Address.

New for the 2025 season, any player registering that wishes to play at a skill level of 3.0 or higher must be rated using our inter-club rating process. Rating assessments will be offered through out the season and will be posted in Court reserve.

All GPA's court time will be scheduled with events. We will continue to hold monthly or bi-monthly community building events as we have done since our inception. We have five certified instructors and look forward to growing the game with you.

We look forward to seeing you on the courts!

Your Board of Directors

Méthodes de paiement

En ligne

* Un petit frais de traitement s’applique