Kenora Pickleball Club


Kenora Pickleball Club

Constitution and By-laws


For Fun, For Fitness, For Everyone


To develop and grow the sport of pickleball in the City of Kenora and surrounding

communities by:

• Promoting and advancing affordable and equitable access to the game of

pickleball. Participants regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or racial

origin, citizenship, religion or physical ability are welcome.

• Making available opportunities for recreational as well as organized play at all


• Providing an environment where interactions are respectfully social, safe, collegial

and encourages sportsmanship.


Article 1 NAME

1.1 The name of the club shall be the Kenora Pickleball Club, also known as KPC

hereinafter referred to as the Club. It is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run



2.1 The Kenora Pickleball Club falls under the umbrella of the Pickleball Ontario (PO)

and Pickleball Canada (PC) and is subject to the constitutions, by-laws, policies and

procedures, and rules of PO and PC.

Every Member must have a membership with Kenora Pickleball Club, Pickleball

Ontario and Pickleball Canada.


3.1 Annual membership in KPC is for the calendar year only. All annual memberships

expire on December 31st


3.2 To be eligible for membership, individuals must be at least 18 years of age at the time of application.

3.3 Annual membership dues are set by the Board on an annual basis.

3.4 The Board shall have the power to suspend or expel any member who

contravenes KPC policies/bylaws, Pickleball Canada or Ontario policies relating to

the discipline of members.


4.1. The Club is governed by a Board of Directors (herein called the Board)

consisting of three Executive Officers who are the President, Secretary and

Treasurer as well as three Members-At-Large.

4.2. The Board initially shall be elected by the members for the following terms of


i) Two (2) Board members for a term of (3) three years and

ii) Two (2) Board members for a term of (2) two years and

iii) Two (2) Board members for a term of (1) one year.

After this time, all Board members elected by the members shall be elected for a

term of three (3) years.

4.3. There shall be no limit to the number of terms a Board Member may serve on

the Board.

4.4. The Board is to represent the Membership. The Board is responsible for all Club

activities and Club maintenance. The Board must adhere to considerations of

transparency so that all members are privy to decisions and the rationale for


4.5. All documents requiring authorization must be signed by two (2) individuals

from the positions of the President, Treasurer, Secretary or any other Board member

authorized to sign on behalf of the Club.

4.6. The members of the Board of Directors may remove a member of the Board

from his/her position for just cause:

i. By a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members of the Board present at a

Board Meeting.

ii. If the Board member is absent from three (3) scheduled Board meetings

during the year, without prior notice to the President.

4.7. Duties of the Board and the Executive Officers.

i. THE BOARD is responsible for:

a. Selecting who amongst them will serve in each of the Executive positions

(President, Secretary and Treasurer) and other Board positions as

determined by the Board. Positions may include but not limited to Liaison

with the City of Kenora, Maintenance Coordinator, Website Coordinator etc.

b. Selecting and overseeing volunteers annually and assign them specific

duties as necessary. Positions may include, but not limited to: Tournament

Coordinator, Ladder Coordinator etc.

c. Establishing a maximum number for Club Membership, as required,

d. Establishing and collecting members’ fees and information related to


e. Finding facilities for club members to gather and enjoy pickleball with

fellow club members

f. Selecting a qualified coaching person or persons to offer lessons, clinics

and other programs,

g. Overseeing planning for the ongoing and future development of the Club,

h. Overseeing promotion, marketing and community outreach,

i. Appointing board members or officers not filled at the AGM or which may

become vacant.


The President acts as the primary ambassador of the organization

responsible for providing leadership, guidance, and oversight to ensure the

Club’s mission, goals and objectives are met.

The duties of the President may include:

a. Preparing meeting agendas and chairing Board meetings, the AGM and

other special meetings. As chair, it is understood the president only has a

vote in the case of a tie. He/she must step down from chair to state his/her

opinion during a meeting,

b. Ensuring that the assigned duties of the Board members are carried out in

a timely and efficient manner,

c. Initiating and coordinating special projects and committees in conjunction

with other members of the Board,

d. Ensuring the scheduling of Club functions and events for each season,

e. Ensuring that the KPC Constitution, bylaws and duties of the Board are

reviewed periodically,

f. Being the primary liaison with the City of Kenora or assigning a designee for

this responsibility,

g. Appointing, with the approval of the Board, committee chairpersons and

committee members where necessary. Such committee members are not

limited to the Board members of the Club but may also include members of

the Club,

h. Acting as the chief spokesperson and negotiator for Club activities unless

otherwise designated.

i. General supervision of the affairs of the Club.

iii. TREASURER The duties of the Treasurer may include:

a. Maintaining the financial records and club bank accounts,

b. Presenting a financial update periodically to the Board of Directors and a

yearly budget to be approved by the Board,

c. Overseeing membership registration and the collection of fees with the


d. Overseeing disbursements and ensuring the disbursements are properly

approved (note: a second “signee” from the President, Secretary or any other

Board member authorized to sign on behalf of the Club is required for all


e. Managing the Club’s investments and investment activity,

f. Ensuring records will be maintained in accordance with Canada Revenue

Agency retention guidelines,

g. Arranging an independent financial review as deemed necessary.

iv. SECRETARY The duties of the Secretary may include:

a. Recording and distributing minutes of all Board meetings as well as

minutes of the AGM and any special general meetings,

b. Record all action items agreed to by the Board,

c. Preparing and sending Club correspondence,

d. Maintaining a record of Members using the Pickleball Canada portal,

e. Organizing and filing minutes for all Board meetings, AGM and any special

general meetings,

f. Safeguarding all the minutes and correspondence of the Club.

v. OTHER BOARD MEMBERS The duties of other board members may include:

a. Actively participate in Board meetings and take part in the work of the

Board as equals to the members assigned responsibilities.

b. Representing the best interest of the Club and its members.

c. Leading committees and other groups working for the betterment of the

Club, such as, but not limited to maintenance/equipment, scheduling of

facilities, club tournaments, social media, etc.

4.8.1 Remuneration of the Board. The board members/officers shall serve without

remuneration, and no board member shall directly or indirectly receive any profit

from occupying their office, provided that board members may be reimbursed for

reasonable expenses they incur in the performance of their duties. Board members

may be paid remuneration and reimbursed for expenses incurred in connection with

services they provide to the Club in any outside capacity, provided that the amount

of any such remuneration or reimbursement is considered reasonable by the Board

and approved by the Board.

Article 5 MEETINGS


5.1. Board meetings shall be conducted at least two (2) times a year and as deemed

necessary by the President. The Board members shall be given at least five days’

notice of Board meetings unless they all agree to hold a meeting on shorter notice.

5.2. A quorum for Board meetings shall be defined as at least 50% of the Board. A

majority of those present shall govern all decisions.


5.3. The Club shall hold one (1) AGM each year. The AGM shall be held on a Saturday

or Sunday in September or October at a location to be decided by the Board, or

online using technology.

5.4. Notice of the AGM and a call for nominations shall be sent to members a

minimum of 30 days in advance of the meeting. Nominations for Board Members

are to be brought forward in writing to the Board no later than two (2) weeks prior to

the scheduled date of the AGM.

5.5. The Board or any two (2) executive directors thereof may call a special meeting

of the members at any time.

The Board shall call a special general meeting on written requisitions of the

members who hold at least ten percent (10%) of votes that may be cast at a


5.6. Every member may vote in person or by proxy. Proxy holders must also be

members of the Club. The proxy must be in writing and clearly state the name of the

member appointing the proxy, the name of the proxy holder and the specific

meeting for which the proxy is valid. Proxies must be submitted one week prior to

the start of the meeting.

If it is an online meeting, all those online may fully participate.

5.7. A quorum for the AGM or Special General Meeting shall be defined as 10% of

the Membership. A majority of those present at an AGM or Special General Meeting,

or who have submitted signed proxies, shall make decisions.

5.8. The AGM Agenda shall include the following:

• Quorum

• Adoption of the Agenda including Other Items of Business

• Approval of Minutes of previous AGM and any Special Meetings.

• Business arising from the Minutes

• Report from the Board: President, Treasurer (Financial), Committee Reports

• Elections of Board Members

• Other Items of Business

5.9. All notices are deemed to be effective from date of emailing.


6.1. All funds owned by the Club can only be used for Kenora Pickleball Club

purposes, such as facility improvements, club programs, and promoting the game

of pickleball within the community.

6.2. Financial commitments under $750 are at the discretion of any Board member

in consultation with the President.

6.3. Majority of the Board approval is required to make decisions for all financial

commitments exceeding $750.

6.4. The fiscal year for annual reporting purposes shall be September 1 to August 31

unless otherwise stipulated by the Board.

6.5 No Board member will have the authority to incur debts in the name of the Club

unless approved by the Board.


7. These bylaws may only be amended, revised, repealed or added to by resolution

of the Board and ratification at a meeting of the members.

7.1 These Bylaws were ratified by the members of KPC at a meeting of the members

duly called and held on __________________________.


