Kenora Pickleball Club

Conflict Resolution Document

Kenora Pickleball Club

Complaint and Conflict Resolution Procedure


The Kenora Pickleball Club (KPC) will maintain a transparent and fair complaint and

conflict resolution process for KPC members.


The procedure is intended to maintain a positive club atmosphere in which members can

resolve conflicts and complaints. The intent is to apply a process that is: transparent,

ensures communication and understanding between all involved, the responsibilities of

the Board and the parties involved, and attempts to resolve a complaint or conflict quickly,

fairly and without reprisal.


1. The procedure covers only infractions of Club policies and other Club based issues.

Complaints relating to conduct in contravention of Pickleball Ontario or Pickleball Canada

bylaws, policies and procedures will be subject to sanctions and discipline pursuant to

Pickleball Ontario’s or Pickleball Canada Complaints and Discipline policies.

Serious incidents involving civil or criminal law will be referred to the police or legal

counsel as appropriate.

2. For club based issues there will be two levels of complaint resolution: an informal

process in which a volunteer coordinator (named by the Board) guides the process, OR a

formal process governed by the Board. Generally, a resolution should be initially attempted

through the informal process.

3. The person or persons initiating a complaint or submitting a written formal complaint

will be referred to as the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is made

will be referred to as the respondent.

4. Anyone acting in retaliation against or harassment of a person who makes a complaint

may be subject to disciplinary action by the Board.

5. Anyone making false or unsubstantiated accusations may be subject to disciplinary

action by the Board.

6. All requests for conflict resolution and complaints shall be investigated and a decision

made and communicated as outlined below.


Informal Conflict Resolution and Complaint Procedure:

1. If a person or persons who experience a club-related conflict or who has a complaint

that cannot be resolved with the other party or parties, should discuss the circumstances

with a Board member, or Board designated volunteer, who will attempt to mediate.

2. If in the mind of the complainant or respondent there is not a satisfactory resolution,

either may initiate the formal process.

Formal Complaint and Conflict Resolution Procedure:

1. A complainant wishing to activate the formal conflict resolution process must prepare

written documentation, with supporting details, of the situation or complaint and submit it

to the Board and to the respondent within 10 days of the incident.

2. The Board will verify that a copy of the complaint has been sent to the respondent.

3. The Board will assess and investigate the merits of the conflict resolution request or

complaint. The Board will seek input from the respondent and other relevant individuals, as

needed, before deciding on a resolution.

4. As soon as possible within 10 days of receiving the written conflict resolution request or

complaint, the Board will advise the complainant and respondent of the investigative plan

and proposed timeline. The Board will then complete the investigation and prepare a

written resolution statement or decision. The Board will forward to the complainant and

respondent two copies of the decision.

5. The parties are asked to sign and date one copy and return it to the secretary, to confirm

they received the decision.

6. The Board’s decision is binding and final. There shall be no right of appeal or judicial


7. A Board’s decision that identifies wrongdoings of anyone involved in a complaint or

conflict may specify a range of sanctions to those individual(s).

• A verbal warning

• A written reprimand

• Club suspension (without refund)

• Membership termination (without refund)