Peace Country Pickleball Association

Peace Country Pickleball Association

Fort St. John & Taylor, Colombie-Britannique

Indoor Play


Our schedule for indoor play for 2025 is posted below. We have moved play to the Bert Bowes gymnasium to replace the Dr. Kearney gymnasium.

Please read the notes at the bottom of the schedule carefully

Monitor the Peace Country Pickleball Facebook group page for last minute schedule changes.

** NEW ** 
Drop-In Play:
All players attending indoor play must be members of Pickleball Canada for insurance reasons. We are not expecting you to become club members or discourage participation by non club members. You can become PCO members by selecting the JOIN/RENEW button at the top of the page and follow the instructions. Non club members will be charged a $5 fee for drop-in fees.

Within the Peace Country Pickleball Club, we “self rank” as to what skill level we sign up for, for scheduled sessions and we have two basic levels, “Beginner/Novice/Recreational”, and “Intermediate/Advanced”. We have specific days/times allocated for these 2 skill sets during our Winter indoor schedule. So, what do these skill sets mean? Let’s go over them!


Beginner/Novice/Rec are just that, players who are just starting down their journey of playing the Sport of Pickleball, or those who come to the courts purely for fun, and have no intention of ever playing competitively, or “take the game too seriously”. These players are learning the rules of the game and are challenged to return the ball consistently over the net in a planned manner. Play is wild, the ball is everywhere and unpredictable. In short, players are having a blast! We as a club embrace Beginner/Novices/Rec players as we were all beginners at one time and appreciate these types of games for what they are.


These players are no longer Novices and have a good understanding of the rules and strategy of pickleball. These players are still advancing their skill sets and drill often to achieve their desired competitive and tournament play goals. These players have a good handle on where the ball is going and can sustain a rally with players of equal ability. They may still have some weaknesses in their strokes but know this and are working to reduce these liabilities. These players utilize or are developing depth and variety in their shots and are working towards anticipating their opponent's shots. Intermediate/Advanced players have a desire to continue to improve but are still enjoying playing for fun and exercise as well.

Last Winter season, we saw the Beginner/Novice/Rec scheduled events underutilized, and often very few players signing up for sessions. If you are a Beginner/Novice/Recreational player, these sessions are for you! Come join in with similar skill set players and enjoy the time set aside specifically for the Beginner/Novice/Rec players.
So, when should you move to the Intermediate/Advanced Group? When you are consistently winning 2/3 or more of your games within the Beginner/Novice/Rec events, you should then consider moving to the Intermediate/Advanced Group. And conversely, if you are playing within the Intermediate/Advanced Group and you are consistently winning 1/3 or less of your games, consider moving to Beginner/Novice/Rec to have more enjoyable games.

Beginners are of course welcome to join in all Beginner/Novice/Rec events (With the exception of Match Play, where Beginners will be placed with other matching skill set players.).

We encourage all players to play within their skill set, to play fairly, equitably, and ethically. It is a lot less fun when widely varying skill sets play together during scheduled events and that is what Open Play time is for. If you have any questions as to where your skill set lies, or what group you may be best suited, ask one of the Club executive for their recommendations.

** NEW **   Self-Guided Skills and Drills:

For the 2024-2025 indoor season we will reserve indoor time at Dr. Kearney on Sundays for skills and drills. This is an opportunity to practice skills such as third shot drops, blocking, punch volleys, and dinking. These will be self guided sessions. Some resource materials will be provided such as suggested drills for practicing specific shots/game play strategy.

Anyone wishing to play should follow the Peace Country Pickleball Facebook Group page for up to date schedule changes and club news. Players can also message a club member and request to be included in the club Messenger group.

Ma Murray Community Gymnasium (11504-105 Ave, FSJ, BC V1J 0R8) - enter the south side main doors and follow hallway to the right to the east gymnasium doors.

20x44' badminton courts, no tape allowed.

3 courts (east side) on Mondays unless the west gymnasium is unoccupied.

6 courts on Wednesdays.

BERT BOWES JUNIOR HIGH GYMNASIUM (9816-106 St., FSJ,BC V1J 4E6) - park on the west side of the school beside the playing field and enter west side doors nearest the gymnasium.

20'x44' regulation sized badminton courts, tape allowed for NVZ line.

3 courts available.

ROBERT OGILVIE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL GYMNASIUM (9907-86 St., FSJ,BC V1J 3G4) - enter north side doors nearest the gymnasium.

20'x40' junior badminton courts, tape allowed.

3 courts available.