Tarif et dates limites
Frais d’inscription
MPC Members | 35,00$ |
Public Participants | 46,00$ |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
HST#740495270RT0001 13%
Les autres informations
Please note:
This clinic is designed to help players rated 3.0-3.5 (GPN rating) to improve their level of play. For an effective clinic, it is very important to have participants with the required skill level range.
NOTE If you do not have a GPN rating and/or you are not sure if you are a 3.0 to 3.5 player then in all likelihood you are not ready for this program.
Please speak with one of the MPC Coaches (or email lessons@markhampickleballclub.ca) to get an honest assessment of your game.
Focus will be on improving all aspects of your game plus combining strategy and tactics to take your game to the next level! Combining these new skills with tactics and strategy will help win more games, which we all know is more FUN.
There must be a minimum of 6 participants for the clinic to run, up to a maximum of 10.