CVPA Summer Fun Play Day 2024 (NEW DATE & TIME!!!)

6 juillet 2024Comox, Colombie-Britannique

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
5 juillet 2024 23h59 (Heure du Pacifique)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription
Tarif 15,00$ par inscrit(e)

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $

Méthodes de paiement

En ligne

* Un petit frais de traitement s’applique

Les autres informations

Rotary Highland Pickleball Courts.

July 6th // 8:00am - 11:30pm // Check in at 7:30am

Open to all levels.

This is a non-competitive club mixer where players will be playing with fellow club members from all different levels. We will be using all 11 courts that include the courts in the lacrosse box and we will use a round robin format. There will be some "alternate" games to challenge your idea of what pickleball could be like if someone thought "outside the box". Snacks provided throughout the play and many opportunities to win some interesting prizes.

Come ready to do some serious socializing and have fun!!