Tarif et dates limites
Frais d’inscription
Tarif | 10,00$ par inscrit(e) |
Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Politique de remboursement : AUCUN frais N’EST REMBOURSABLE.
Wondering what your pickleball rating is? Want to build/improve your rating? Join us for DUPR Fridays.
Play pickleball with other players registered with DUPR. We'll have 5 courts open for play.Have fun. Visit the curling club lounge if you run out of steam! It's a great way to play a lot of pickleball and meet other players.
DUPR stands for Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating. Simply put, it is a way for players to obtain an objective skill rating by playing matches against others who use DUPR.
In this 3-hour play session, you will have to the opportunity to be matched against and play with other players at your skill level. Players will be divided into 4 groups based on current DUPR ratings (or estimated skill level if you don't have a DUPR rating yet):
- 4+
- 3.5-3.99
- 3 - 3.49
- < 3/no rating.
Distribution depends on the skill levels of those who sign up. Your scores will be recorded in the DUPR System.
SESSION FORMAT: Coordinated play sessions
PRICE: $10
DATE/TIME: Friday, June 2 6:00-9:00 PM (3 hours)
LOCATION: Vancouver Curling Club (in the Hillcrest Community Centre), free parking
Payment is non-refundable.
*The Curling Lounge will be open for drinks service.
Les autres informations
Three hours of play!
DUPR membership is required:
Create a DUPR account at https://mydupr.com if you don't have one already.
Once the account is created, search for "Vancouver Pickleball Association DUPR Rating System" in the "My Clubs" area to join our DUPR digital club affiliation.
The VPA will enter your scores from this clinic, which will enable players to get a better estimation of skill level.
You will be required to enter your DUPR ID to register for this event. This can be found by visiting https://mydupr.com/dashboard/user/profile
MEMBERSHIP IN THE VANCOUVER PICKLEBALL ASSOCIATION IS REQUIRED: Register for the VPA by visiting https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/register/vancouver-pickleball-association/1064/.