Which fields do you want to share across all registrants?
Child's Last Name
Date of Birth
Street Address
Address 2
Postal Code
Emergency Contact Person's Name (First and Last Name)
Emergency Contact Person's Phone Number
Mobile or Landline
Emergency Contact Person's Email Address
Home Club (if you child does not belong to a Pickleball Club, leave blank)
How did you hear about us? (If you select OTHER, please describe.)
Do you have any concerns about your child's mental health or emotional readiness in relation to this clinic?
If “yes”, please describe:
Are there any recent injuries to be concerned about?
If “yes”, please describe:
Calgary Pickleball Club Waiver and Release Form
Calgary Pickleball Center (Facility) Waiver
(+) Show clinics (may select more than 1)
Intro Class - 1A (Sun March 30 | 10:00am to 11:15am)
Intro Class - 1B (Sun March 30 | 11:30am to 12:45pm)
Intro Class - 2A (Sun May 4 | 10:00am to 11:15am)
Intro Class - 2B (Sun May 4 | 11:30am to 12:45pm)
Intro Class - 3A (Sun June 1 | 10:00am to 11:15am)
Intro Class - 3B (Sun June 1 | 11:30am to 12:45pm)
Intro Class - 4A (Sun June 8 | 10:00am to 11:15am)
Intro Class - 4B (Sun June 8 | 11:30am to 12:45pm)
Intro Class - 5A (Sat July 5 | 10:00am to 11:15am)
Intro Class 5B (Sat July 5 | 11:30am to 12:45pm)
Intro Class 6A (Sun Aug 10 | 10:00am to 11:15am)
Intro Class 6B (Sun Aug 10 | 11:30am to 12:45pm)