Funky Bounce Organized Play Fall 2024

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October 14th - December 21st, 2024British Columbia

Round Robin Date *

You must select at least one round robin date.


Green Bay Bible Camp Complete Release Waiver of claim and Assumption of Risk

Green Bay Bible Camp Complete Release Waiver of claim and Assumption of Risk

In consideration of permission granted now or in the future by the Green Bay Bible Camp Society (the 'Society') to use the Society's facilities in the Province of British Columbia, I (a parent/guardian representing family members for this registration), release the Society, Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball, and its employees, representatives, volunteers, directors and officers (Collectively called 'Green Bay' as well as the individuals Ed Stuerle and Stephanie Fullerton) from all liability and waive as against Green Bay and Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball all recourse, loss or damage, including any consequential damage or loss, claims, causes of action of any kind whatsoever that the registered player (named under the online Registration form) may suffer as a result of participation in the activities (the 'Activities') carried out on and in the vicinity of the Society's property (the 'Campgrounds') including the gym, the waterfront and dock adjacent to the Campgrounds (the 'Waterfront') and off-site activities, and I voluntarily accept the physical risk together with the legal risk, thereby expressly giving up any right of legal action.

I further acknowledge and agree:

  1. That I will follow the rules and regulations established by Green Bay Bible Camp and Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball.
  2. That some of the aforesaid risks and hazards are foreseeable but others are not.
  3. That I nevertheless freely and voluntarily assume all the aforesaid risks and hazards and that, accordingly, my use of any of the property, facilities and/or equipment of Green Bay Bible Camp and Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball shall be entirely at my own risk.
  4. That I have carefully read this COMPLETE RELEASE, WAIVER OF CLAIM AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK and that I fully understand the same and that I am freely and voluntarily executing the same.
  5. That I understand that Green Bay Bible Camp and Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball do not and will not permit the me to participate in any activity at the camp unless I agree to the COMPLETE RELEASE, WAIVER OF CLAIM AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK which applies to all of the Activities and that the terms of this Agreement need not be brought to my attention each time I am participating in Activities in order to be effective.
  6. That I give Green Bay Bible Camp and Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball the right to use photographs and videos of myself involved in Activities for promotional purposes.
  7. That I give Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball permission to share my email address with other players in order to facilitate play.
  8. That I verify that I am 19 years of age or older. (Parent or legal guardian must sign for minor).
  9. That this COMPLETE RELEASE, WAIVER OF CLAIM AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK is binding on myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, personal representatives, and assigns.
  10. I agree to conduct myself in a respectful manner to all other players, staff and guests and that my continued play is at the discretion of Green Bay Bible Camp and/or Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball.
  11. I acknowledge that Green Bay Bible Camp might require the gym from time to time and therefore pickleball sessions might have to be cancelled. In lieu of any cancelled sessions I agree to be compensated by having Green Bay Bible Camp make the gym available for some catch up sessions at the camp’s discretion.
  12. I understand that I am entitled to a full refund if I have played in two sessions and have decided that I do not want to continue playing. Changes to my personal schedule or circumstances do not warrant a refund.
  13. That by registering online I have agreed to all the terms above and that my signature is not required as proof of my agreement.


By joining Funky Bounce Indoor Pickleball Club you also agree to the following regardless of whether or not you have initialed or signed the physical document:

Assumption of Risk and Waiver and Release of Claims Notice to users of Green Bay Bible Camp. Please read carefully. These conditions will affect your legal rights. Definitions:

“Activities” shall mean, without limitation, all activities in any way associated with or related to water sports, recreational vehicle camping, hiking, fishing, swimming and any recreational activities offered by Green Bay Bible Camp, including training and instruction, as well as but not limited to use of play structures, picnic areas, fields, sports fields, beaches, lakes, trails, walking paths, roads, grounds and parking lots.

“Property” shall mean, without limitation, any premises, lands, buildings, waterfront, facilities, play structures, fields, sports fields, beaches, lakes, trails, walking paths, roads, grounds and parking lots and equipment owned or leased by Green Bay Bible Camp.

“Group” shall mean all adults, children or wards in the registered Organization/Church/School/Family/ Group.

In consideration of permission granted now or in the future by the Green Bay Bible Camp Society (the "Society") to use the Society's facilities in the Province of British Columbia, The Group and the undersigned, releases the Society and its employees, representatives, volunteers, directors and officers (Collectively called "Green Bay Bible Camp") from all liability and WAIVES AS AGAINST GREEN BAY BIBLE CAMP ALL RECOURSE, LOSS OR DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE OR LOSS, CLAIMS, CAUSES OF ACTION OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER that the Group may suffer arising from or connected, directly or indirectly, with the Group’s presence at, or use and enjoyment of the Property or participation in, any of the Activities carried out on and in the vicinity of the Society's Property including the waterfront and dock adjacent to the Property and off-site activities, and the Group voluntarily accepts the physical risk together with the legal risk, thereby expressly giving up any right of legal action.

FURTHER, the Group acknowledges the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and the Group voluntarily assumes the risk that the Group may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by being at Green Bay Bible Camp. The Group understands that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability or death.

The Group further acknowledges and agrees:

A. That the Group will follow the Green Bay Bible Camp Code of Conduct and all rules and regulations established by Green Bay Bible Camp.

B. Group members swim and engage in waterfront activities at their own risk. The Group agrees to abide by all waterfront rules.

C. That some of the aforesaid risks and hazards are foreseeable but others are not.

D. That the Group nevertheless freely and voluntarily assumes all the aforesaid risks and hazards and that, accordingly, the Group’s use of the Property while participating in any Activities shall be entirely at the Group’s own risk.

E. That the Group has carefully read this Assumption of Risk and Waiver and Release of Claims and that the Group fully understands this agreement and that the Group freely and voluntarily executes this agreement.

F. That the Group gives Green Bay Bible Camp the right to use photographs and videos of members of the Group involved in Activities for promotional purposes.

G. That this Assumption of Risk and Waiver and Release of Claims is binding on myself, my heirs, my executors, administrators, personal representatives, and assigns.