Grande Prairie Pickleball Club

Grande Prairie Pickleball Club

Grande Prairie, Alberta


Grande Prairie Pickleball Club Minutes

DATE: July 29, 2021

PRESENT: Doug Speager, Ron Hindman, Kevin Pasula, Sheldon Rowe, Brian Backus, Lindi Speager, Debbie Isley, Connie Craig, Lisa Loveless

  1. AGM Meeting
  2. August 27, 2021, 6:00 pm
  3. Meeting at 6:00 pm, hopefully done by 7:00, then play and socialize after.
  1. Financial Report
  2. Audit needs to be done prior to AGM meeting
  3. Kevin volunteered, and Lindi will ask John Atkinson also.
  4. Aug 16, 10:00 am, meeting set at Debbie Isley’s office.
  1. Complaint and Discipline Policy
  2. · MOTION

Sheldon Rowe made motion to approve Debbie Isley’s version of policy

Brian seconded


  • Will adopt as our policy and place on Grande Prairie Pickleball Club website
  1. Proposed Schedule Time
  2. Schedule will change with seasons (spring/fall and summer).
  3. 8-9 am member time, 9-11 club time, 11-12 member time
  4. Try Tuesday nights, maybe, women/men play
  5. · MOTION

Debbie Isley moved to adopt schedule

Lisa seconded


  1. Roles & Responsibilities
  2. · MOTION

Kevin Pasula made motion to adopt Roles & Responsibilities as discussed, with addition of Director of Fundraising/Sponsorship, and Past President

Debbie Isley seconded motion


  1. Board & Director Positions
  2. President - Clarence, possible nominee
  3. Vice President - Lisa remaining
  4. Secretary - Connie remaining
  5. Treasurer - Debbie Isley, is up for renewal, will stay on if voted so
  6. Director of Court Maintenance - open to the floor
  7. Director of Club Social Events - open to the floor
  8. Director Club Play/Clinics/Tournament - open to the floor
  9. Director Fundraising/Sponsorship - open to the floor
  10. Past President - Lindi Speager
  1. Storage

Lindi Speager to check into heated & unheated storage bins.

  1. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm