Parksville Oceanside Pickleball Society Safety and Play Etiquette

Pickleball Safety and Play Etiquette
Fair play and sportsmanship are keys to success and enjoyment in any sport. To ensure safety and smooth operations on the pickleball courts, we request you follow the below guidelines and rules:
Court Safety
- Wear proper court shoes.
- Pickleball Canada and POPS strongly encourages you to wear eye protection.
- Do NOT backup on the court, turn and move sideways.
- Do NOT run into other active courts when playing your ball.
- Do NOT chase your ball through other active courts – wait for others to return your ball to you.
- When retrieving a loose ball, look for players waving at you, when possible return ball behind courts.
- STOP play immediately if a loose ball comes on your court or behind it – shout BALL ON. Then replay your rally.
- When going to and from a court be aware and stay well clear of other active players and courts.
- Keep yourself well hydrated.
Court Etiquette
Etiquette: [ET - i - kit] defined as: “conventional requirements as to social behaviour; prescribed or accepted code of usage”.
- At the beginning of the game introduce yourself, if not familiar with your partner or players.
- Call yourself, if you or your partner land in the NVZ (kitchen) on a volley. Be cautious to call kitchen or foot faults on your opponents – let them call their own faults.
- When you are playing in a non competitive situation take time once in a while to play with weaker players – they will be thrilled to have the experience.
- Remember if a stronger player is on the court with you, hit to them and often – it will make you a better player plus keep the game interesting for all who are playing. If you are playing with weaker players work on shots that they can return and learn from.
- If playing against mixed partners be courteous and not slam directly at weaker or female opponents.
- Once your game is finished, call out “Court” so the next group waiting knows it is their turn to play.
- If the play type is Open Play – you do not get to play with your buddies 100% of the time, share the fun.
- If the play type is Play Rotation (bench positions, paddle in box, board sign-up) or by Skill Level, understand and follow the group process laid down.
- Unsolicited coaching on the court is not to be done. If someone is new or asks for your input, do so briefly being mindful of the flow of the game. Best to instruct on a specified court and be invited.
- When a ball is out of bounds, call “out” loudly, as well as using a hand signal with your hand/arm pointing up.
- When courts are busy and you are on deck, have your foursome ready to move quickly to an open court.
Pickleball Rules as well as Etiquette
- You must call out the score, so your opponents can hear, before serving the ball.
- The server must wait for the receiver to be ready before serving.
- You do line calls on your side of the net and NOT the other side.
- You may ask the opposition to help with a call, and then their decision is FINAL.
- If you did not see where a ball bounced – in or out on your side of the net – it is IN.
This information is adopted from Pickleball BC, "Safety & Etiquette R1-18-02-04", dated April 18, 2017.