PEI Pickleball ÎPÉ

Pickleball T shirts

PEI PICKLEBALL IPE T shirts with logo for sale.
We are very excited to be offering good quality dryfit T Shirts with the Provincial logo for $20.00 taxes included.  The T shirts will have a large logo on the back and a small logo in the upper left corner of the front. The T shirts come in MENS and LADIES (with or without V neck.) sizes.
Your choice of colours is shown in the attachments below. 
Pick up locations on PEI and times will be arranged.  Once the minimum number of T shirt orders are received, the orders will be placed with the supplier.  The frequency of orders will be determined by T shirt demand.    We also have some T shirts in stock at $18.00 in a limited number of sizes and colours from the initial offering. 

We look forward to seeing PEI Pickleball IPE branding across the province!!
To order include the following information on the e transfer to                                       Name __________________________                                                                                                              MENS ___________LADIES ________LADIES with V neck ____________ Colour ____________ Size _____________ Please include your first and last name on your e Transfer. The e transfer must be received before the T shirt can be ordered.





all sizes


no medium

lime shock

all sizes

all sizes

no large or xl

wild raspberry

all sizes

no men 2xL

only medium

carolina blue

all sizes

all sizes

all sizes

coal grey

all sizes

all sizes

all sizes