About Sooke Pickleball Club
We are an inclusive and active player group of all ages and abilities who love the sport of Pickleball. We like to keep things simple and COST FREE. Through volunteers, we welcome newcomers and like to grow the sport both competitively and recreationally.
The club offers a year-round program ranging from:
* Introduction and beginner lessons (May-September)
* drop-in sessions for competitive and recreational play (almost) every day – year round
* Training sessions (members only)
* Mini & Club – tournaments
* School/youth – court reservation & programs
* Social events
* Email Newsletter communication
Where and when we play
We mostly play at our three outdoor courts at 6534 Throup Road in Sooke.
We thank the owner of these courts, the Sooke Community Association, who has been a great supporter for us.
Please check our club schedule in combination with reservations made on playtime scheduler, for our organized events and drop-in schedules.
Non-Members have to sign a waiver before playing in a scheduled club-event.
Any members of the public can play on the courts at times other than the scheduled times shown in “playtimescheduler”.
Board of three Directors (in no particular order),
Estella A., Bart vdB., George H.
This board also manages “Sooke Tennis” although there is no real organized (club) activity.
“Sooke Pickleball” maintains “Sooke Tennis” until the later wants to become autonomous.
Club Mission Statement
* Sooke Pickleball Club shall remain an inclusive and open group whose membership will conduct themselves in a transparent and accountable manner with best intentions for all. The leadership will be responsible to the membership at large and will support cost effective and fun play for everyone.
The creation of the Facebook Sooke Pickleball group goes back to early 2020.
The (6534 Throup Road) courts were re-surfaced in 2021 (financed by fundraising money), spearheaded by Marilyn & Bevin.
In May 2024, members elected its first leadership.
On June 21, 2024 Sooke Pickleball Club became an affiliated club with Pickleball BC, who in turn is affiliated with Pickleball Canada.
Pickleball Canada Organization (also called PCO) was created in April 2009. Their mission is to assist and promote the growth of Pickleball as a game for all ages and to establish rules, policies and standards for the good governance of the game in Canada.
Pickleball BC (also called PBC) is the provincial governing body for pickleball and was founded in March 2017. PBC is dedicated to the growth, development, promotion and enjoyment of pickleball.
Hope to see you on the courts soon, HAPPY DINKING