Sussex Pickleball Club

Sussex Pickleball Club

Sussex, New Brunswick

Summer / Winter Play

Summer Play

Access to our outdoor courts (other than for public play) requires a separate membership, which can be obtained at

  • You should receive an email within 48-hours after registering at with instructions to download an app to your phone called “ALTA OPEN” which is used for entry to the courts. If you are having any issue with the app please reach out to Susan Parlee or to Ted Robertson.
  • Our main outdoor season runs from May 1 to late October, weather permitting.
  • All summer players must have a Playtime Scheduler profile and a DUPR profile.

Winter Play

  • During the winter (October to April), members enjoy scheduled indoor play when dedicated facilities are available. Otherwise, community venues will be listed on our website for use during this time.
  • All winter players must have a Playtime Scheduler profile.