Phyllis Obst Lacombe Pickleball Annual Members Only Tournament - May 5

Phyllis Obst Lacombe Pickleball Annual Members Only Tournament - May 5

Lacombe, Alberta

Prices & Deadlines

Regular deadline:
April 28th, 2024 11:59pm (Mountain Time)Registration Closed
Registration Fees
Price $10.00 per entry

All prices in CAD $

Payment Methods


* Small processing fee applies

Other Information

This tournament will host two distinct divisions of play. One half of the day will be doubles men's, and doubles woman's. Within each players have the choice to choose between recreational level or the competitive level of play. The other half of the day will be mixed doubles, also having the two levels (recreational and competitive).

You can register for one division, or both divisions. There is a maximum of 64 player spots available for either division, (men's / women's and mixed)

Please have the name of your partner ready when registering for each division you are choosing to register for.

If you don't have a partner, please type "random" into the partner name space, and we'll do our best to match people up into teams.

There is a registration list where you can sign up if looking for a partner.
Look in the "Events - Clinics, Tournaments" section of the web site to find the "Tournament Partners Contact List"