Camrose Pickleball Club

Camrose Pickleball - Play Cost and Court Locations

Play times can be inconsistent so we recommend you check our invitations for the play times or email

 ** Visitors are welcome. Cost is $12/play time for indoor play.

Fall and Winter Season
September to April
 we play at the Camrose Community Center. 4516-54 Street. Click here for map.
Cost for members is $6.50/play session. In advance, you can purchase a sheet of 10 tickets for $65. A member single play ticket can be purchased for $8.00.
Purchase your tickets or pass by e-transfer to (preferred method)

You can also purchase tickets or a monthly pass through our play session registration system Signup Genius. 

No cash!!

Spring and Summer Season     
May/June to August
We have outdoor courts available at St. Pats school 4816-53 Avenue (in the northwest corner of school grounds) when the weather is nice at no charge. We use Signup Genius for scheduling play times but the courts can be used at any time. Click here for map.