Charlottetown Pickleball Club

Charlottetown Pickleball Club

Charlottetown, Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Before you Register

Club membership is currently capped until further notice.

Contact Lisa Murphy, Club President, prior to purchasing your membership. We need to make sure that you have some pickleball experience or are taking pickleball classes BEFORE you begin play at any of our venues. 902-940-1767.

February 10, 2025 updated -- Notes re Charlottetown Pickleball Club!

To access the weekly schedule registration program called Signup for sign in to our three indoor venues, log in to the club page on the Pickleball Canada Website. Schedule goes live each Saturday at 7pm. Please use the "Venue Sign Up Links" link above to access the sign up link (You MUST be signed into your active Pickleball Canada account to access and see that link). The log in tab is on the top left.

If you are new to the club or new to Pickleball, please contact for information about how the club operates.

  • We will give you a general orientation to how the club works and how to sign up for sessions, venue information and information that is appropriate to your level of play.

Les autres informations

February 10, 2025, updated -- Notes re Charlottetown Pickleball Club!


Your Charlottetown membership fee provides access to venues that the club coordinates. Please note: in most cases, an additional venue fee will apply. Court time is currently divided up in New-to-the-sport/Recreational, Intermediates, Advanced, and combination Intermediate and Advanced (self-rated). Please pick a level and sign up in only ONE level until you are ready to move up.

Current indoor venues include:

UPEI Sports Centre - 30 plus hours of court time available in the four courts in Gym 3. Playing at the UPEI venue from January to April end costs $57.50, paid to, which will then be forwarded to the university as a rental fee. On March 1, this fee will be reduced to $30 for the months of March and April. If parking is required, payment is made at the Sports Centre Front Desk. It now costs $15 plus tax for an entire four-month period. This includes access to the walking track. Bring a lock to secure personal items in the locker room. Only take paddles, goggles, water bottles and sweat towels, food or medicine if needed for medical conditions (let other players know if intervention is needed), to gym C. Wear indoor non-marking court shoes.

Sherwood Elementary School - Three courts for Beginner and new-to-the-sport sessions/ classes. Wednesdays from 5 to 7 pm until the new school is opened. 7 to 9 pm is Open Round Robin tournament. We have asked for time in the new gym and will keep you posted.

Spring Park Elementary School - Three courts in March 2025
We appreciate the School giving us the use of the courts for the past eight months. They have allowed other groups to also use the space now, which meets their mandate but, alas, reduces our access until March 2025 but this is to be confirmed.

Le Carrefour School
We enjoy the 13 hours of court time that we rent weekly from the school. They have four well-lit courts. We love the bleachers as well. Current hours there:
Monday 7 to 9:30 pm (12) Advanced) and (12) Intermediate, play combined
Friday 7 to 9:30 pm )12) Advanced and (12) Intermediate, each allocated two courts
Saturday 2 to 4 pm Advanced and 4 to 6 pm for Intermediates
Sundays 9 to 11 am for Intermediates and 11 to 1 pm for Advanced

NOTE - UPEI Sport Center - Schedules are subject to change due to university events, cancellations, or recognized holidays. Visit the Sports Centre webpage and download the UPEI Safe App to stay up to date on schedules.

Outdoor court - Hillsborough Park, Charlottetown
City of Charlottetown opened six dedicated courts on August 8, 2024. We hope to return to the courts May 1.
Hillsborough Park – Open 9 am to dusk
Club times (non-club members welcome to play with club members or on their own)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday – 9 am to 12pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - 6 pm to dusk

Code of Conduct and Injuries

Charlottetown Pickleball Club operates using the Pickleball Canada By-Laws.

Note - unless you are in a tournament, please do not argue about line infractions. The call is made by the receiving team. If the receiving team can’t make the call, the serve is lost or the point goes to the other team.

Please review the Code of Conduct and our Etiquette notes PDFs listed on our club page on the PC website. Know that we will not tolerate poor behavior between players, board members, and/or coaches and players. Please call Lisa Murphy (902-940-1767) or Executive member Alva Coade if you witness or are directly involved in any infraction involving poor conduct. The matter will be dealt with immediately. The situation may be quickly resolved or it may require investigation and reporting. We will be discreet handling all complaints.


Wear protective eyewear. While it is not yet compulsory for experienced adult players, the board strongly encourages protection from potential ball or paddle injury. The Board approved mandatory eye protection wear for youth to age 18 years and students in Beginner Classes. Eye protection is especially important for times at the net. Two of our club members are local sales ambassadors for Karakal and CRBN. Also, wear court shoes with good grip when playing. We have Charlottetown court and pickleball-specific sneaker suppliers so buy local when you can (see pdf). Bring cooling towels and water in to the court area in order to ensure that you are sufficiently hydrated. If you have a medical condition that other players should be aware of, such as insulin dependent diabetes, please let folks know what they need to do should you require assistance providing you with juice or carbs. Bring any food or drink with you to the gym to have ready for low sugars. Stretch pre and post play if possible. Listen to your body and stop play when you should. Remember to leave kit bags and outdoor shoes in the locker room at UPEI. Bring your own lock to secure items.

Note - If you are injured, it is up to you to report your injury. We will send out incident paperwork that you or your designate will be responsible to complete. Do not assume that we will hear about your injury.

Weekly scheduling program

The club's current weekly scheduling program is at After you register and log in to your account using your email address, a link to our venue sign up page is accessed by clicking the Venue button at the top of our club page on this Pickleball Canada web page when you sign in. Sign Ups for the week (Mon-Sun) are locked until 7 pm on the preceding Saturday. Let us know if you have problems with the scheduling program. Board member Brian LeBlanc handles all registration items and Signup matters.
Cancel out of sessions in plenty of time to allow folks on the cancellation list fill in.

As always, reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Let us know if you want information on other items.

On behalf of your volunteer club board VP Parker Fisher, Treasurer Todd Fraser, Secretary Alva Coade, Paul Cheverie, Brian LeBlanc, Eunice MacIntyre, Deborah MacLellan
Lisa Murphy, Club President

902-940-1767 call or text

Tarif et dates limites

Regular Deadline
Inscriptions ouvertes
Frais d’inscription
2025 Apr 1 to Dec 31 Payment50,00$

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $

Méthodes de paiement

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