Lacombe Pickleball Peeps

Lacombe, Alberta

Sign up for Mon. - Thur. night drop in times.

Please click on these links to sign up for your preferred drop in.

All drop in registration below are for J.S. McCormick school.

There is no pre-registration for Monday nights at Burman as there are more courts available in that gym.

Note: Changes for February, 2025. 

We are working to improve the online registration setup for everyone. As such, please note the following changes. 

1: Automatic waitlist system. We are turning on a feature that will automatically place the first registrant on a waiting list into the dropin session registration if a spot becomes available. The system will send the first person in line an email. That space will be available for the next hour for that registrant to login and complete the registration process. After one hour, the system will alert the next person on the wait list, and so on.

We hope this helps ensure the waitlist system is functioning at peak efficiency and allowing as many members as possible to participate in our J.S. McCormick drop in sessions. 

If you've registered for a session, and find you need to cancel, please login and cancel your registration as soon as possible, so that the system can assign the space to a person on the waiting list. 

2: Based on membership feedback, we are moving the opening day and time. Registration for dropin will open at a consistent date and time each week. The events will be posted each Wed. or Thur. but the date and time for opening registration will be set for Sunday at 2:00PM. Every member will have this consistent start time to login and register for the J.S. McCormick drop in sessions. 

Tue. Feb. 4, 6:30PM - 8:30PM (Adult Play) J.S.M.

Wed. Feb. 5, 6:30PM - 8:30PM (Adult Play) J.S.M

Thur. Feb. 6, 5:30PM - 7:00PM (Adult Beginner Level / Youth and Family Play) J.S.M

Thur. Feb. 6, 7:00PM - 9:00PM (Adult Play) J.S.M

Tue. Feb. 11, 6:30PM - 8:30PM (Adult Play) J.S.M.

Wed. Feb. 12, 6:30PM - 8:30PM (Adult Play) J.S.M

Thur. Feb. 13, 5:30PM - 7:00PM (Adult Beginner Level / Youth and Family Play) J.S.M

Thur. Feb. 13, 7:00PM - 9:00PM (Adult Play) J.S.M

Instructions to sign up:

1: Click "Register".

2: Fill in Name and select Club.

(You will see a message that you have reached your maximum number of entries, this is normal because one of the two time slots is the maximum allowed per person. Proceed to step 5.)

3: Click "proceed to next step"

4: Fill in email address.

5: Click "Confirm Registration"

Instructions to cancel a sign up:

1: Click login, and login to Pickleball Canada.

2: Click "My Registrations", which will open a list of events you are registered in.

3: Click the red "X" to "Remove Entry" to cancel your registration.

4: Click My Account, and select LOGOUT.

NOTE: Recently there have been some issues for people cancelling their registration.

The solution is to delete the cookies stored in your web browser. If you see a message "Your registration has already been removed", delete your cookies and try to cancel your registration again. 

Cancel Registration of Drop in Tutorial (PDF)