Time for Renewal, Feasting & Fun!
Report from the Board Room – AGM
Happy to report that the Annual General Meeting is done and dusted. No members were injured at the event and a new Board of Directors was installed for 2025. The AGM came to order at 7:01 pm and adjourned at 7:55 pm, Monday, November 18th. Fifteen fine people, members-in-good-standing (all seated), gathered at the Flesherton Library. In addition to cookies, squares and hot cider they were treated to a colourful slide show and a quick review of the past year; who did what, when, where, why and how much it all cost. Here is your Board of Directors for 2025:
- Karen Alton – President
- Reid Dennison – Vice President
- Paul de van der Schueren – Treasurer
- Nancy D’Amico – Executive Secretary
- Doug Alton – Director of Facilities
- Bryden Jones – Director of Youth Programs
- Lorna Rintamaki – Membership Director
- Kate McIntyre – Social Director
- Janet Pounder – Director Interclub Relations
- Karen Alton – Adult Programs, Clinics, Tourneys
- Sponsorships/Fundraising – by committee
*We are still desperately seeking someone with some social media flair, capable of posting timely, accurate, entertaining items on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Please reply to pickleballgreyhighlands@gmail.com if you think you could take on this challenging but fun opportunity.
Renewal – Not just about the money
As we approach the end of the year and the weather reminds us to get out our winter gear, we must remind you to renew your membership in the Pickleball Club before December 31st. You must be a fully paid up member of the Club to play indoors through the winter.
Of course, if you joined after September 1st this year or have already renewed your membership to the end of 2025, thank you very much!
The annual fee for adult membership is $40, which includes membership in Pickleball Canada and Pickleball Ontario. New this year, ten dollars of each membership will go directly into our Outdoor Court Building Fund.
The annual fee for Youth membership is $30, including membership in Pickleball Canada and Pickleball Ontario. Eight dollars of each Youth membership will go to our Outdoor Court Building Fund.
It is easy to renew, just go to our website, Pickleball Club of Grey Highlands, and click on the Renew/Join button near the top of the screen, follow the prompts and get out your credit card.
Make no mistake, we want you back! As our numbers grow and we continue to press the local Council to approve our proposal for a dedicated, outdoor, municipal pickleball facility, every member counts. Please check out the pictures on our website under “Quest for Outdoor Courts” to see what’s proposed.
Indoors at the Gyms
Members of PGH are eligible to sign-up for Indoor play on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and/or Friday evenings.
The Monday recreational adult Play program is at Macphail Memorial Elementary School in Flesherton and runs from 6:30 to 9:30 pm. All levels of play will be welcome.
The seasonal cost is $35 flat rate. The season runs every Monday throughout the school year (with the exception of school holidays) until the end of May. Please register and pay on the website and check in on TeamReach.
The Tuesday recreational adult Play program is also at Macphail in Flesherton and runs from 6:30 to 9:30pm. All levels of play are welcome.
The seasonal cost is the same as Mondays, $35. It will run every Tuesday throughout the school year (with the exception of school holidays) until the end of May. Please register and pay on the website and check in on TeamReach.
The Wednesday night program follows our Youth Rally Club at Macphail Memorial Elementary School, beginning at 7:30pm and goes to 9:30pm. This is for advanced players only.
The cost, as with the other programs, is $35 flat rate, for the entire school year. Please register and pay on our website and check in on TeamReach.
The popular Friday Ladder-format program is at Grey Highlands Secondary School in Flesherton. It will run from 6:00 to 10 pm with two or three sessions within that time period depending on how many players sign-up. The official start date was Friday October 11. Sign up on TeamReach. The second session will start in January.
The seasonal cost is $35 flat rate. The season will run the entire school year (with the exception of school holidays) until the end of May.
The Youth Rally Club, for girls and boys 10 – 14, started Wednesday, September 25th at 6pm, Macphail Memorial Elementary School. There is no additional charge for youth Club members under 18 to play indoors at the school. New members always welcome. Annual Youth membership is $30, and runs from now until December 31, 2025.
How to register for Adult Indoor Events
- Go to the website for Pickleball Club of Grey Highlands
- Login (with your Pickleball Canada password - top left corner of screen)
- Click on Pickleball Club of Grey Highlands
- Click on the black EVENTS button
- Click on the green REGISTER button
- Enter your name
- Select Division Adult
- Select Category Monday drop-in or Friday ladder
- Optional, add another night by clicking “Add another division”, repeat step 8
- Click on “Proceed to next step”
- Enter your credit card info
- Click on “Confirm registration”
Be an Angel – just a reminder that the Club (PGH) has a special membership category “Supporting Member,” for pickleball angels who wish to encourage our local Club efforts but don’t intend to play. $20 flat rate does not include membership in Pickleball Canada or Pickleball Ontario, but does include Socials, meaningful and sometimes amusing Updates, and our sincere appreciation.
Make it fun! Do what you love. Love what you do!