Pickleball Manitoba

Pickleball Court Construction

Guidelines for Pickleball court construction.

Regardless of whether you are building a single court or a multi court facility the following

should be considered in your planning and design stage.

Outside dimensions are minimums for competitive play.


Your court / facility should always face N/S to avoid sun issues

Shelter from wind should be a consideration in particular north and west

Construction Recommendations

● Most outdoor courts / facilities are constructed of a granular sub base with an asphalt

topping and sport surface application

● Within frost zones the following should be considered. Excavate and install the Sub base

below asphalt with a recommended depth of 18” and minimum of 15” of compacted

granular material. Prior to the installation of Granular sub base the excavation should be

covered with a geotextile cloth.

● If you are building outside of a frost zone you can consider less depth of sub base

installation, however other considerations may come into play such as pre loading, sub

drainage etc. Consult appropriate professionals if unsure of you soil conditions.

● On top of the compacted sub base a minimum of 3” of sport mix asphalt should be


● Game lines and court surfacing can be applied after a short curing process of the asphalt

● Post / Net installation.

○ Option 1: Prior to granular sub base installation a cast in place reinforced

concrete pile should be installed to an elevation allowing for the post installation

within the pile and below the playing surface insuring the net height is at an

elevation sufficient to required 36” at sides and 34’ in the center. Failure to utilize

the pile installation will promote movement of buried posts within a short timeline.

○ Option 2: Provide asphalt surface over the entire court area and provide a

suitable portable playing net. Portable nets range in quality and price and should

be supplied to suit playing conditions and level of competition.

● Perimeter fencing should be considered outside of the playing surface minimum of 3 feet

high with 6 feet recommended.