City of Revelstoke

The City of Revelstoke, through its Grant In Aid program, generously offset facility rental costs for a portion of the indoor pickleball season for sessions occurring at the Revelstoke Community Center.
We appreciate your continued support City of Revelstoke, Parks, Recreation, and Culture Department. Thank you!
The City of Revelstoke Parks, Recreation, and Culture Department also contributed a significant amount toward the revitalization of the pickleball courts at the Columbia Park recreation area. Those courts look terrific and are enjoyed by the public, our club members, and visitors to Revelstoke.
Thank you for your continued support for public access to pickleball in Revelstoke!

The City of Revelstoke, through its Grant In Aid program, generously
offset facility rental costs for a portion of the indoor pickleball
season for sessions occurring at the Revelstoke Community Center.
We appreciate your continued support City of Revelstoke, Parks, Recreation, and Culture Department. Thank you!