Club Committees

Club Committees

10-24 septembre 2023Winnipeg, Manitoba

Train the Trainer


We need your help! Seriously, we really need your help!

The number of people wanting to attend our Orientation to Pickleball lesson has over whelmed us. Who would have thought it would be so popular.

To meet the demand for this lesson, our plan is to expand the number of instructors, who can be available to help, as their schedule permits, in its delivery over the coming summer and fall months.

In late April 2023, Winnipeg West will conduct a 2 hour “Train the Instructor” workshop that is designed to:

  • be hands on;
  • teach you a series of beginner level, progressive drills;
  • emphasize the FUNdamentals of the game - basic rules of play, score keeping, positions on the court, serve, and return of serve.

At the end of the workshop you will have the knowledge and skill to confidentially demonstrate the FUNdamentals to beginning pickleball players. You will be paired with an experienced instructor during your initial on court teaching experience.

Our experience tells us that expert level pickleball skills are not required to be a successful instructor. If you have on court experience, enjoy meeting new people and helping others to succeed, this volunteer opportunity is for you.

Details on the workshop date, time and location will be provided when finalized. The workshop instructors will be Cathy and Doug Cable.

Interested in helping your club by becoming an Orientation to Pickleball Instructor - please register your intent by checking the box on the registration form.

Offering our Orientation to Pickleball lesson to the general public is part of our club’s commitment to the City of Winnipeg, in return for its use of the courts.