TUESDAY ROUND ROBIN UP TO 3.25 July 23rd 8:00 to 10:00 am

TUESDAY ROUND ROBIN UP TO 3.25 July 23rd 8:00 to 10:00 am

23 juillet 2024Mill Bay, Colombie-Britannique

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
23 juillet 2024 7h00 (Heure du Pacifique)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription

Inscription gratuite!

Liste de confirmation

Total des inscriptions - 15    Voir info

Event Maximum

This event is set for a maximum of 18 registrants. People who sign-up after the event is full will be put on a waitlist and automatically notified when a space opens. They'll then have up to 12 hours to move themselves off the waitlist (following instructions in the email notification). 

Help us ensure everyone who wants to gets a chance to play by:

  1. Removing your name when you have to cancel your registration (instructions at the top of the Events page); and
  2. Responding to waitlist notifications quickly when you can't play, so the next person on the list will be notified. 


How do I sign up?

Click on REGISTER.


If the event is full, you will be added to the waitlist. If space becomes available you will receive a message advising you 12 hours to accept. If you accept, you will receive a confirmation email to participate. Let the fun times begin!!


For players rated up to 3.25