Before completing this application:

  • Please read: Requirements for Pickleball Canada Sanctioned Tournaments.
  • ALL players in a Pickleball Canada sanctioned or supported tournament MUST be Pickleball Canada members.
  • It is also very important that you provide an answer for each REQUIRED question.
  • Even if the question doesn’t apply, please say “NA”. Failure to provide all answers will mean your form will not send.
  • A letter of support from the respective provincial/territorial pickleball organization must be forwarded to the PCO Tournament Chair in addition to the completed application.

Tournament Tiers* and Sanctioning Fees

  • Tier 1 - National Tournament – Reserved for Pickleball Canada National and Regional Tournaments.
  • Tier 2 ($100) - Provincial/Territorial Tournament - Reserved for Provincial/Territorial Championships with an average of at least 8 entries per event and Regional Qualifying events. Large tournaments with over 250 participants may also apply.
  • Tier 3 ($75) - Other Tournaments – with a minimum of 100 participants.
  • Tier 4 ($50) - Small or New Tournaments - The tournament must have at least 75 entries. Most new tournaments will be given a Tier 4 rating until the number of entries and number of entries per event can be establish upon the completion of the tournament.

* see the complete information by clicking here.

Fees are due when the Tournament receives provisional sanctioning from the Pickleball Canada Tournament Chair. Once the fees are received the Tournament Director will receive Sanctioning Logos, be granted formal sanctioning and the tournament will be placed on the Pickleball Canada Tournament Calendar.

Tournament Tier

Notice: You have reached your maximum number of individual entries for this registrant.
There are no available categories for the age of this registrant.