Bath Pickleball Club

Drop Ins and Guests

Outdoor Season

Visitors are always welcome at Bath Pickleball Club!

  • The daily drop-in fee is $5. Please deposit your cash in the jar located by the west entrance to the courts.
  • If you are NOT a current member of Pickleball Canada (or you cannot remember) please fill out and sign the waiver form. Place completed form in the slot marked "Completed Forms".
  • Place your paddle in the paddle rack to the right of the last paddle in the queue. When your paddle reaches the front (they get moved right to left), you will be the next player on a court. Play two games (win or lose), then leave the court and place your paddle back into the rack, again to the right of the last paddle.

Indoor Season

If the session has reached capacity, drop-ins will not be allowed. If the session is not full, the following policy applies:

  • any player wishing to play as a drop-in must pre-register by sending an email that includes the date on which you want to play to
  • all drop-in players must be current members of Pickleball Canada
  • current members of Bath Pickleball Club pay $10 as a drop-in
  • non-members of Bath Pickleball Club pay$15 as a drop-in
  • Club members can only drop in once per session.
  • Please feel free to contact the Club if you have special circumstances that fall outside of this policy