Charlottetown Pickleball Club

Charlottetown Pickleball Club

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

Court time - How to sign up for sessions according to levels

Court time/ Player development/ Events

Court time is currently divided up in Beginners/Recreational, Intermediates, Advanced, and combination Intermediate and Advanced (self-rated). Please pick a level and sign up in only ONE level until you are ready to move up. In accordance with Pickleball Canada self-rating guidelines, we will be moving toward numeric levels when organizing sessions.

We have 26 hours of court time at UPEI. Two hours of our court time at UPEI is currently designated for Intermediate classes on Monday evenings, and two hours for a fun but competitive Round Robin Tournament for Intermediates and Advanced on Sunday evenings. We provide designated court times for new-to-the-sport players and recreational play. Beginner players do not stay in the introductory level for long so the majority of court time goes to the intermediate level and to the combo intermediate and advanced levels. Schedules are subject to change and are dependent on venue closure due to poor weather or other cancellations.

In the past we have negotiated bonus sessions at the university, and we will post these days and times as they come up. We wish we could offer more evening play but priority users are varsity and university recreation programs.

We volunteers who are coordinating the club operations are trying to accommodate the sometimes competing interests of players in our new and growing club. We thank you for your ongoing interest and patience.