Affiliation is important to the development of the sport of pickleball. Pickleball Manitoba is an affiliate of Pickleball Canada and recognizes Pickleball Canada as the national governing body. Pickleball Manitoba supports the vision, mission, and goals of Pickleball Canada. By joining Pickleball Manitoba, and thereby Pickleball Canada, as an affiliate club gives you a voice in the development of our sport: nationally, provincially, and locally.
Pickleball Manitoba and Pickleball Canada are seeking recognition as Provincial and National Sports Organizations. Once this status is established, many new funding opportunities will be available to further develop our sport. This Club Affiliation Agreement is an integral part of that recognition.
A club must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for affiliation with Pickleball Manitoba/Pickleball
Incorporation is not required; however, clubs may find it to be beneficial.
Clubs must sign an affiliation agreement with PMI.
Pickleball Manitoba and Pickleball Canada provide strong voices when working with elected officials and government bodies. Locally this comes into play when advocating with local municipalities for more places to play in your area and to promote major pickleball events. If you would like to be recognized as a club affiliate, click on the link below for further information.
Manitoba Affiliated Clubs

LF South Winnipeg Pickleball Club
Minnedosa Tennis & Pickleball Club

Neepawa Pickleball Association

Peak Performance Pickleball Club