Indoor Play Registration January to April
We have extended indoor play until May 20th. all current paid indoor players have been given an opportunity to add the additional 3 weeks. It appears that each group may have some open player slots. Therefore we will be opening up to the entire club Monday April 24th. An email will be sent to notify everyone. Weekly groups cap'd at 20, Saturday cap'd at 15.
The confirmation list on the signup page will show you others that have registered in each group.
Reminder: WWPB Club membership is also required for indoor play. Renewals for 2023 have been sent by Pickleball Canada, it covers all three organizations PCO\PMI\WWPB. Memberships are NOT covered by indoor play costs. Be sure you have renewed before coming out in January, PCO liability insurance requirement.
We have Bruce Oake Recovery Centre for Wednesdays and Fridays only starting January 4th. from 9:00AM to 12:00PM. The Wednesday will be used for Open Play (all club members) and the Friday is a Novice group scheduled day.
Play Time Matrix for May:
Note: Wednesday and Friday at BORC times are now 3 hours 9AM to 12PM .
Play Time Matrix for April:
Note: Wednesday and Friday at BORC times are now 3 hours 9AM to 12PM .
For January, February, March and April (17 weeks). The cost will be $204.00 plus payment fees of $11.02 ($4.21 day). You will notice a fee increase from $10 to $12 per week. This is due to a 20% increase in gym rental fee from SHCC ($25 to $30 hr. and from $40 to $50 hr. wknds.) for 2023. The payment is prorated weekly to the number of remaining weeks.
The Saturday morning only slot (17 weeks) is now $119.00 plus payment fees of $6.65 ($7.40 day) (fee up from $40 to $50hr.) also prorated weekly.
None of these slots have "learn to play" time, you must already be a player.