Blind River Pickleball Club

Blind River, Ontario


Membership fees for 2024, members must be at least 19 years of age.

$40.00 per single

$75.00 per couple or 2 people who live at the same address.

$25.00 per person for an out-of-town membership (50 km or more from Blind River)

All members must be registered with Pickleball Canada/Ontario (PCO) for insurance reasons( see link below ). This is an annual cost of $21.12

Join Pickleball Canada and Ontario at the following link;

For safety reasons, new members are required to take an orientation session with one of our executive members.

Please note this cost ($21.12) will cover insurance as the town of Blind River requires us to have group insurance in order to use their recreational facilities. This is also a requirement of the indoor winter league.

For additional membership information, please contact Linda Rainville at or call 

705 849 9449.