Windsor Pickleball Club

Windsor Pickleball Club

Windsor, Ontario

Safety Tips

Pickleball Safety Tips


Pickleball is a fun sport with many benefits. As in any sport, it’s important to remain safe while enjoying the game. The following safety tips should be followed when playing on any court and not just WPC courts.

Courts should be kept clear of obstacles.

There should be no bags, chairs or other items on or near the courts. In particular, the area behind the baseline must be clear of any items. At the WFCU Centre, bags should be kept against the wall with the benches.At Forest Glade bags should be hung on the fence and no chairs or stools should be inside the court area.

Avoid stepping backwards during play.

Players should avoid stepping backwards when returning a ball. Chasing lobs while looking up and stepping backwards can result in a loss of balance and falling backwards. Always turn completely around and move in a forward direction to minimize the risk of a fall.

Safety glasses are highly recommended.

High impact safety glasses should be worn while playing pickleball. Eye injuries can occur from being hit in the eye with the ball. Injuries often occur from a deflection off your own paddle or your partner’s paddle. High impact safety glasses will prevent serious eye injuries

Convenors are in charge of coordinating actions in the event of an accident.

All accidents should be immediately brought to the attention of the convenor. The convenor shall be responsible for coordinating the response to the incident. This includes, where necessary, calling 911, contacting emergency contact, assisting the individual in arranging a ride home or to a medical professional.

 Wear proper shoes.

You will want to wear shoes that support lateral movement, such as tennis shoes for outdoor courts and court shoes for indoor courts. Walking and running shoes should not be worn as they will hinder your movement on the court and can actually be dangerous if worn when playing.


Make sure you bring plenty of water or a sports drink to the courts. Electrolytes are also recommended in hot weather.

Sun protection

When playing outdoors, we recommend wearing a hat and/or a UV blocking shirt. Sunscreen with an spf of at least 30 should be used. Keep a bottle of sunscreen in your bag to be able to apply it again during long periods of play.

Keep your emergency contact information up to date.

Members can update their personal details including emergency contact info by logging into their account at www.pickleballcanada,org. Personal information should also be updated in Glofox by clicking on your Profile and then the Edit icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.

Keep your cell phone charged.

Keep your cell phone charged in the event it is required to call emergency responders. Also know the address of your location so that you can direct responders to the correct location.

Stop play when a ball enters your court.

If you hit a ball into an adjacent court, yell ball and stop play immediately. Do not chase your ball into an adjacent court. Let the people on that court retrieve the ball for you.

Be aware of your surroundings.

    Each court presents its own set of obstacles. Be aware of benches, posts, walls and other areas that you will want to avoid during play.