Pickleball Regina Inc.

PB Brackets Info

SECTION A:  For those who do not have a PB Brackets account

SECTION B:  Players with PB Brackets account who want to join the 2024 Outdoor Sat Ladder League


Join Pickleball Brackets 

Part 1: “Sign up” to Pickleball Brackets (set up basic profile) – if you have done this, skip to Part 2.

• Go to www.pickleballbrackets.com

• Click on Sign Up (top right-hand corner)

• Enter same email address you used on your Pickleball Canada membership

• Click on Get Started

• Fill in your first and last name - use same spelling as on your Pickleball Canada membership, set up a

password and click on Get Started

• Go to your email. Within your email, click on button “CLICK HERE to VERIFY”

• You will be taken back to Pickleball Brackets to continue your set up

• Fill in all required information


Part 2: To link your profile to the Pickleball Regina club you have to “Become a Member” – if you have done

this, skip to Part 3.

• Go to www.pickleballbrackets.com and login

• Click on Clubs (located in middle of the top row of options)

• Scroll to or do a Search for Pickleball Regina

• Click anywhere in the Pickleball Regina box

• Click on Become a Member

• Click on Complete Your Request

• You are now done Part 2

Part 3: Review and add PCO# and other details to your profile.

• Go to www.pickleballbrackets.com and login OR if you are already logged in skip to next bullet.

• Click on the dropdown next to your name (located on right-hand side at the top)

• Click on My Profile

• Important to fill in your Pickleball Canada membership number (section 5), if you do not know your number

you can go to www.pickleballcanada.org and do a “member lookup” (or login to your account).

• Review all fields (not all fields were part of the basic profile setup and are optional, however you may want to consider filling them in – for example your cell phone provider and cell phone number.)

• Scroll to top and click Save Profile

You should now have a Pickleball Brackets Profile and be a member of Pickleball Regina Inc. within the Pickleball Brackets system. Thank-you!


To join the PRI Saturday Ladder League (Group A or B):

  • Click on Leagues then on blue “search” or ‘magnifying glass’ icon
  • Enter ‘Mahon’ under keyword and tap ‘Search’
  • Click on "Register" green bar of the applicable league
  • Click on "Details" orange bar in pop up
  • Click on "Click to Register Session: 1" orange bar 
  • You can then view ‘My League Schedule’ to opt in (or out) for each week’s event.
  • Each Sunday (6 days ahead), the next Saturday’s event will open up to ‘Opt in’;
    The Red ‘Out’ will toggle to a Green ‘In’ once you click to opt in.
  • Once in, if you can no longer attend, remember to Opt Out.
    Note that if you are on the waitlist (max is 30 for each game day), and someone opt’s out, the top player from the waitlist will be moved ‘in’. If you are on the waitlist, keep checking right up to game day to see if you are now in (and remove yourself from waitlist if you no longer want to be moved in for that day).

For further assistance, contact membership@pickleballregina.ca