Pickleball Regina Inc.

Pickleball Brackets

Please ensure you have a valid Pickleball Canada/Sask/Regina membership prior to joining Pickleball Brackets.

A.  New to Pickleball Brackets:

If you plan to participate in PRI’s club ladder leagues OR plan to play in any tournaments using Pickleball Brackets, you can set up your Profile now. 

*Note that this is a 3-part process – you must do all 3 parts to be fully enrolled.

Link: Pickleball Brackets "3-Part" Sign Up Guide for PRI Members

B. Pickleball Brackets Users:

Points to remember:

  • Many screens and public data can be viewed without being logged in
  • To view or access any data associated with your personal account, or to enter scores you must be logged in
  • Refresh often (as many others may be entering scores at the same time) – iphones: pull down to refresh, android and computer: refresh icon (to left or right of URL)
  • If refresh does not help, close and reopen your browser to clear memory
  • You can also log out to clear memory and then log back in
  • Encourage the players in your group to try entering the scores so more people become familiar with the system
  • Talk to your hosts or fellow players for assistance

    Upcoming - More on receiving text messages, viewing your stats, navigating the system, etc.

    If you have system issues, suggestions, or want to help with the guide and tips document, please direct your feedback to admin@pickleballregina.ca.