Events and tournaments
Results of Paddyfest Tournament - March 10-12, 2023

Results of Polarfest Tournament - January 27-29, 2023

First tournament - April 2019:
We held our first provincial tournament in April 2019 at the Memorial University’s Field House with 16 participants. Due to the small numbers we only had men’s doubles and mixed-doubles. After several rounds of round-robin play, the final of the men’s doubles was between the team of Bill Allan/Bill Thistle (St. John’s) vs. Darrell Chipp/Justin House (Stephenville). The eventual winners were Bill Allan and Bill Thistle. In the mixed doubles finals, it was between the husband and wife pairs of Darrell and Mary Lou Chipp vs. Leonard and Brenda Lye. After a close match, the Chipps emerged as champions.
Later in the year, our champions Bill Allan and Bill Thistle also took part in the Super Senior World Championships and the Marriott Desert Ridge Holiday Classic, both in Arizona. Considering that this is their first time playing in an outdoor tournament, they were quite competitive losing in 3 to the winners at the Holiday Classic.
Darrell Chipp from Stephenville, arguably our top pickleball player took part in the Ottawa Racketlon tournament which included pickleball as one of the four events. He was undefeated during the two-day event in pickleball and won the men’s B division.