Pickleball Regina Inc.

Newsletter #84 - June 2024

Newsletter # 84
June 2024

2024 Pickleball Saskatchewan Provincial Tournament = Success!

A huge thank you to all the players, volunteers and supporters that helped make the recent provincials a huge success. Numerous comments have been received about how well organized the tournament was, with minimal breaks between matches, referees for all matches and friendly volunteers to help guide everyone around the event. Special thanks to the Queen City Pickleball Hub for helping host the tournament in Regina’s premiere indoor venue. Congratulations to the organizing committee for the planning efforts that took place over the last six months.

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Summer Programming Update

You have shown your interest in outdoor play in record numbers as over 450 members have signed up for outdoor play. Even with the crazy cool, windy weather, many of the programs are operating weekly and sign ups continue to be strong.

Adjustments are being made to the original programming schedule as two courts at Douglas Park were shut down due to safety concerns and the new courts at Douglas Park are behind schedule, with their availability likely not until late in the summer. Watch the PRI website for announcements and details.
Construction continues as the new twelve courts will be a welcome addition once ready.

Adapted Sport Opportunity

In conjunction with the Saskatchewan Wheelchair Sports Association, Pickleball Regina and the Queen City Pickleball Hub will be supporting a group of athletes on July 13th as they experience pickleball. This is an excellent opportunity for our coaches and referees to learn to work with the special rules for adapted sports. Contact training@pickleballregina.ca for more information.

PRI – In the Community

In conjunction with the Saskatchewan Health Authority PRI helped introduce pickleball to a local addiction group. With leadership from Sheldon Gray, Keith Kawecki, and Barry Thuen, we had the pleasure of recently presenting pickleball to a group of ten clients and three staff. Too often these individuals struggle to find healthy outlets. Too shy to call or look for help, fear of being judged. Our involvement may give them a start, by showing them this activity. There are people struggling out there. Special thanks to Sheldon, Keith and Barry for your interest and thanks to Jennifer Hill from SHA for connecting PRI with this group.

New Members - Learn to Play Continues

Pickleball Regina Inc. offers a one-time two-hour introductory Learn to Play Pickleball session for new members. Loaner paddles, balls, and protective eyewear (if needed) will be provided. The cost is $17.00 plus service fees to cover court rental at the Queen City Pickleball Hub. For more information, contact training@pickleballregina.ca.

Meet and Play” Success

The “Meet and Play” program, to create a bridge between Learn to Play and regular programs continues to succeed. The program has many participants enjoying getting reacquainted with pickleball in a friendly environment. Anyone who considers themselves new (rating 3.0 and under) is welcome to join in. The goal is to connect new members with each other and help them find their way with confidence. Contact training@pickleballregina.ca for more information.

Save the Date - 2024 Annual General Meeting

The Pickleball Regina Inc. annual general meeting will be held on Sunday October 20, 2024 at 2:00pm. Location TBD.
Several terms on the Board of Directors will expire so if you are interested to serve on the Board, please let us know. Nominations will be accepted over the coming months. If you would like to learn more, contact admin@pickleballregina.ca for more information.

Future Tournaments:

July 1, 2024, Canada Day Classic (sold out), Hosted by Pickleball Southey. For details go to: pickleballsouthey1@gmail.com

July 5-7, 2024, Medicine Hat Pickleball Club Open Tournament. For details contact tournamentdirectormh@gmail.com

July 25-28, 2024, 2024 Pickleball Canada Western Regional Championship, hosted by the Vernon Pickleball Club, Vernon, BC. Contact vpatouraments@gmail.com for information.

August 20-24, 2024, Myoflex 2024 Pickleball Canada National Championship, hosted by Pickleball Nova Scotia, being held at the Sobeys Atlantic Tennis Centre at Bedford, Nova Scotia. Contact djohnston@pickleballnovascotia.com for information.

And a variety of tournaments on www.pickleballbrackets.com

Meet your 2023 – 2024 Board of Directors

President – Randy Dove
Vice-President – Sheldon Gray
Treasurer – Tony Coppola
Secretary – Wanda Saul
Directors – Steven Sagal, Colin McAllister, Ray Greenwood, Keith Kawecki, Les Covey, Stanley Head.

Questions or comments:

Contact admin@pickleballregina.ca

“We gratefully acknowledge the support of our sponsors and funders!

We could not succeed without their continued investment and ongoing support.

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Keep Pickleball Fun!