Welcome to the Club!

GBPC Winter / Indoor Play Schedule 2025
Follow this link to purchase Punch Cards for play at the Legacy Centre in Thedford: https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/event/winter-indoor-play-punch-cards/38862/
Contact us at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com for all other questions.
Don't Delay Club Members! Get your spot in the GBPC Spring Skills & Drills Clinics!
Levels: Beginner/Novice OR Intermediate/Advanced
Cost: $28.50 plus a small processing fee for 4 (two-hour) sessions.
# of Participants: Limited of 12 club members / clinic Where: Thedford Legacy Recreation Centre
EMAIL US FOR THE LINKS TO REGISTER: grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
Clinic #1 Thursday, March 6, 13, 20 (2:30-4:30 pm) & Fri. March 28 (1-3 pm)
Clinic #2 Wednesday, April 9, 16, 23, 30 (11 am - 1 pm)
Clinic #3 Thursday April 3, 10, 17, 24 (2:30-4:30 pm) NEWLY RELEASED!!
Wednesday April 9, 16, 23, 30 (1 pm - 3 pm)
What to expect: At least one hour of drills with games to follow, focused on the new skills.
Volunteering: If you are interested in helping to run the drills, please let us know at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
Questions: grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
More Snakes & Ladders is Scheduled for January & Ordering a Punch Card
Good News! The feedback regarding Snakes & Ladders Speed Pickleball has been very positive! Beginning on January 7th, we will be adding a second Snakes & Ladders time slot on Tuesdays, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Snakes & Ladders will be on Fridays at 11 a.m. and Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.
LAST MINUTE CANCELLATIONS The flu season is upon us! We would all agree that if you are sick, it's okay to cancel as soon as you know! But, to be fair to those on the waitlist, it's important to cancel well ahead of time. This will allow the people on the waitlist sufficient time to arrive to play.
MAINTAINING OUR TIME SLOTS To be financially viable, we need to keep our club time slots as full as possible. Unfortunately, if we cannot keep the time slots near full, we will need to consider dropping some slots in the new year. One way you can help is by cancelling your sign up with enough time to allow someone else to fill the spot.
LEARNING HOW TO CANCEL A SIGN UP IN SUG It's super important for everyone to figure out one way to cancel a sign up. There are a number of methods: the SUG APP installed on your phone is easiest but the second method of going through MEMBERS ONLY to SUG on our website is just as effective. Find someone in the club to help you! Sit down with your technology and learn one way to cancel your sign up.
ORDERING & PICKING UP PUNCH CARDS EARLY Members need to plan ahead and order their punch cards WELL ahead of time.
Steps: 1. Order on line: https://secure.pickleballcanad...
2. Marian Vickers will text you to arrange a time for pick up at her home in Wee Lake.
If you are having trouble connecting, please email us at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
Find all the Winter/Indoor Play information all in one place. Click the WINTER/INDOOR PLAY button in our drop down menu to purchase punch cards and learn how to sign up or delete a sign up.
8 novembre 2024 -
GBPC Opens a new time slot on Thursdays
Good News! The Grand Bend Pickleball Club will be opening a new time slot on Thursdays 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Legacy Recreation Centre in Thedford. The new slot begins Thursday, November 7th and continues each week until further notice.
4 novembre 2024 -
Reserving and Cancelling a Winter/Indoor Play Reservation
Reserving and Cancelling a Reservation
Get Ready to Login:
You will need to your email and password for both:
1. Pickleball Canada
To Make a Reservation to play in Exeter or Thedford:
1. Login to PICKLEBALL CANADA using https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/login/
2. Open the GRAND BEND PICKLEBALL CLUB website by clicking on our logo
5. Choose either EXETER or THEDFORD
The first time you complete these steps, you may be asked to login to SIGN UP GENIUS with your username (email) and password.
To Cancel your Reservation:
It is extremely important that you cancel your reservation if you cannot play. This will allow another member to take your spot. There are 3 ways to cancel your reservation:
1. Repeat steps 1 to 5 above on your computer or IPAD. At the top of the page you will find a red button: CHANGE MY SIGN UP. Choose: I signed up as a SignUpGenius Member. Login with your password. Use the X to delete your sign up.
2. Find the EDIT MY SIGN UP in the confirmation email sent to you on the day you signed up. Click Go to Sign Up at the bottom. Find the delete button beneath your name.
3. If you have the app installed on your phone, find your reservation, and click the DELETE button beneath your name.
Purchasing Punch Cards for Thedford:
Members may purchase punch cards using the black PURCHASE button and a credit card through this link: https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/event/winter-indoor-play-punch-cards/38862/ Marian Vickers will contact you about picking up your punch card.
We will be offering one more opportunity to purchase punch cards for CASH at our Christmas Party on Dec 5th. See the poster on our website. RSVP for the Christmas party at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
Shoe Tags:
All members will need to wear the RED shoe tag after January 1st. Follow this link to renew your membership:
https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/register/grand-bend-pickleball-club/35813/ Use the blue LOOKUP to begin your renewal. Peter Coleman will contact you about picking up your shoe tag.
Many thanks
Many thanks to all the Winter/Indoor conveners, the programming committee, Cam & Linda, Chris, Marian and Peter for their on-going efforts to make Winter/Indoor play happen for our membership
26 octobre 2024 -
Winter/Indoor Play Information
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club is pleased to announce our Winter/Indoor play schedule running from Nov.1 to April 30th, 2025.
WHERE WILL THE SCHEDULE BE POSTED: Watch for a monthly schedule to be posted to our website. See the chart below for the days and times.
HOW DO I SIGN UP FOR PLAY AT EITHER LOCATION? Members sign up for either location using SIGN UP GENIUS. SUG is available on our website in MEMBERS ONLY. In most cases, one spot will be reserved for the convener.
HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO PLAY IN EXETER AT South Huron Recreation Centre (SHRC)? In Exeter, the cost for play is $3.00 / 2-hour period, paid directly to SHRC each time you play.
HOW DO I PAY FOR THEDFORD? The GBPC Punch Card will be used at the Legacy Recreation Centre in Thedford. Conveners will simply punch one number on the GBPC Punch Card and the member gains admittance to the 2-hour session.
HOW MUCH IS IT TO PLAY IN THEDFORD? The punch cards are purchased in increments of 5 or 10. Each 2-hour session costs $4 so a 5-punch card costs $20 and a 10-punch card costs $40.
WHERE DO I PURCHASE THE PUNCH CARDS? Members may purchase punch cards using the black PURCHASE button and a credit card through this link: https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/event/winter-indoor-play-punch-cards/38862/ Punch cards may be shared and are transferable from one member to another. Although not refundable, unused punch cards will be valid from year-to-year. We prefer that members make arrangement to pick up their punch card . You will be contacted about picking up the punch card.
WHAT MAKES A PUNCH CARD VALID? The punch cards will be issued and SIGNED by a GBPC Director.
WHAT IF A MEMBER FORGETS THEIR PUNCH CARD? If someone forgets their card, they may borrow from another member. Members are to work it out among themselves.
WILL THE SCHEDULE CHANGE? We hope to fill our time slots every day. Conveners are asked to contact the directors through our email if adjustments to the schedule are required. grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
WHAT IF I HAVE SIGNED UP AND I AM UNABLE TO ATTEND? To allow another player to fill your spot, it will be VERY IMPORTANT that you cancel your sign up in SIGN UP GENUIS.
DO I NEED TO WEAR MY SHOE TAG? YES! Don't forget to renew your membership and take advantage of our early bird special. YOU MUST BE WEARING THE 2025 RED TAGS ON THE COURTS BY JANUARY 1ST. Here is the link to renew: https://secure.pickleballcanad...
HOW WILL I KNOW IF A DATE IS CANCELLED? See the attached chart for dates that are unavailable to our club. We will also use the Club WhatsApp chat if there are cancellations for other reasons.
If you have any questions about Winter/Indoor play, please email us at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
See you on the courts!
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club
Membership Renewal & Early Bird Special
It’s that time of year! The Grand Bend Pickleball Club is happy to announce an EARLY BIRD SPECIAL for the 2025 season. If you register between September 1st and December 31st your club fees will be $25 instead of $30 this year.
Your fees will cover:
- Any outdoor play at the TRIDON Pickleball Courts i.e., Open Social Play, Ladder League, Round Robin, levelled play, Skills & Drills etc.
- The opportunity to play with your club friends during Winter/Indoor play (Nov. - April) at our various venues. Details and locations to be announced soon!!
- Club supplies such as shoe tags, indoor & outdoor balls, nets, first aid equipment, AED, leaf blower, portable toilet rental, scheduling apps, other court supplies e.g., storage boxes, court netting/fencing, ball hoppers, BBQ etc.
- Insurance coverage (through PCO/PAO) for individual members and the club
- Rental fees for our Annual General Meeting venue
- Bank charges
- Invites to our various social events!
To join us for 2025 find the JOIN/RENEW button on our website and follow the instruction for OPTION 1. You must LOOK UP your membership number by clicking the blue "lookup" at the top of the form. A dialogue box will appear to look up your membership number. Once your membership number is found, the renewal form is populated with your personal information. You must answer: MEMBER WITH A DISABILITY: YES, NO or PREFER NOT TO SAY. The Early Bird fee is a total of $46.67 instead of $51.67. Pay using a credit card.
Here is the link to renew your membership: https://secure.pickleballcanad...
Sorry, no refunds or membership transfers will be issued for GBPC membership fees.
Looking forward to seeing you on the courts in 2025!
The GBPC Board
1 septembre 2024 -
Winter/Indoor Play & Follow Up Survey
Plan for the GBPC Winter/Indoor Play & Follow Up Survey
The Programming Committee recently asked members to complete a survey on Winter/Indoor Play. Thomas Hall in Thedford was favoured for play by the most respondents, followed by South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter and then Zurich. In narrowing the choices, the committee considered a number of factors including: the number of courts, availability, distance from Grand Bend, visibility of play lines, lighting and ceiling height.
Based on the survey results, site visits, and discussion with the staff of 7 venues, the Programming Committee is recommending the club moves forward on securing play times at one or both of the following venues:
1. Thomas Hall in Thedford and/or
2. South Huron Recreation Centre in Exeter.
At this point, we are asking members to provide further feedback on their preferences i.e., days of the week and times. Please complete this survey by Saturday, September 7th if you plan to participate in Winter/Indoor play with the Grand Bend Pickleball Club. Here is the link to the survey:
The cost of play will be up to $5 per session. Members will be asked to sign up on a scheduling app. Only active club members will be able to play during club play times. Shoe tags will be worn at all times. Yellow tags will be in use until the end of 2024 and red tags will be worn in 2025.
The Club will be looking for people to take the lead on winter/indoor play. If you are at all interested in stepping up to convene at these locations, please let us know in the survey or email us at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com.
31 août 2024 -
A Message from the GBPC Board of Directors
August 23, 2024
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club is pleased to work with the Municipality of Lambton Shores in the promotion of the game of Pickleball and the development of pickleball venues in the Grand Bend area. In fact, it was excellent to see so many club members at the official opening of Klondyke Pickleball Courts! As time goes on and Pickleball continues to grow in popularity, the GBPC will work with the municipality toward the opening of more indoor and outdoor courts in Grand Bend area i.e., Community Centre.
It is the position of the GBPC Board that our club support the development and improvement of Klondyke Pickleball Courts. We recognize that this will one day be our home base and we would be proud to include Klondyke as one of our official venues. In support of our community and our club, we will advocate for continued court improvements at Klondyke e.g., wind screens.
Scheduling Change
In support of optimal use of both Klondyke Pickleball Courts and TRIDON Pickleball Courts, the GBPC will adjust our Open Play times at TRIDON to EVEN DAYS on the calendar (Klondyke has Open Play on ODD days). This change will avoid overlap and allow groups of players to concentrate at one venue or the other for Open play. EVEN days will begin at TRIDON on Monday, August 26th at 8:30 a.m. and last until the end of October when our outdoor season ends. The programming committee will be working on a survey to gather input from our membership for the 2025 outdoor season i.e., program formats, scheduling etc.
Other GBPC News:
- The Programming Committee is busy gathering information about potential winter/indoor venues and court times. Keep an Eye Out! They will report back to the membership soon.
- The club will once again offer an Early Bird Special. Club members who renew their membership between Sept 1st and Dec. 31 will pay $25 instead of $30 for club fees.
- Our 2025 shoe tags will be available soon! They will be red and yellow with 2 holes!!
- Watch for our new simplified schedule to be posted on the front page of the GBPC website!
- All guests to TRIDON will be asked to complete the Waiver used at our recent Learn-To-Play event.
- Mark your calendars! Our next BBQ will be on Saturday, October 5th!
- We served 63 people at our National Pickleball Day BBQ – Well done Social Committee!
- We introduced Pickleball to 44 people at our Learn-to-Play event at Klondyke on National Pickleball Day. Many thanks to Coach Kevin and his team of volunteers!
- The club will be purchasing 100 indoor balls and a BBQ (on sale of course)!
- Thanks to Windy for organizing the purchase of official club swag!
23 août 2024 -
National Pickleball Day
10 août 2024 -
Luncheon Order Form for June 15th for the Annual General Meeting
Dear Club Members,
As part of our AGM, we are offering a Crabby Joe's Lunch for $12. Please follow this link to make your order: https://secure.pickleballcanad...
Food will arrive to the Grand Bend Legion for noon on Saturaday, June 15, 2024.
The Social Committee
15 juin 2024 -
Spring Update
Important Dates
- Outdoor Season
- May 1, 2024 – Oct 31, 2024
- Club BBQ
- Saturday, May 4th, noon
- TRIDON Pickleball Courts
- Carpooling & Cycling are recommended
- Election Declaration Date
- Monday, May 27, 2024 at 8 p.m.
- Board of Directors Election
- June 1 (9 a.m.) – June 8 (8 p.m.)
- Season Opener
- Saturday, June 15, 2024
- 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- TRIDON Pickleball Courts
- Carpooling & Cycling are recommended
- Annual General Meeting
- Saturday, June 15, 2024
- 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
- Grand Bend Legion
- Cash Bar & Optional Lunch
- Please RSVP for the Season Opener and AGM at:
- https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/event/june-15-2024-gbpc-season-opener-annual-general-meeting-rsvp/36735/
- Board of Directors Elections
- Our Elections are coming up soon. The Nomination/Election Committee is preparing for our election which will be held electronically between June 1st at 9 a.m. – June 8th at 8 p.m.
- All club members will receive an invite via email to vote for up to seven board members. The following positions are available: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Communications Director, Facilities and Programming Director, Director at Large. All positions have a 12-18 month term this year.
- If you would like to put your name forward for this election, please contact Jim Ennis at macnissi@hotmail.com by Monday, May 27, 2024 at 8 p.m. (Declaration Date).
- All candidates are asked to prepare a brief written statement for publication. This statement may include ‘why’ you have decided to apply to be on the GBPC Board and what experiences you bring to the role etc. The job descriptions are posted to our website under Documents.
2024 Season Programming
Our programming schedule and a description of the programming being offer this season will be emailed to all club members and posted to our website at https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/club/grand-bend-pickleball-club/35813/. The programming schedule will be gradually implemented. Many volunteers will be needed to convene court times. If you are interested in hosting a particular program or timeslot please contact Chris Holder on WhatsApp.
Many thanks to the Programming Committee for all their hard work! Thanks goes out to Chris, Kevin, Kim, Asher, Cam and Dori.
Scheduling Apps
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club Board has decided to adopt 2 scheduling apps:
Sign Up Genius & Global Pickleball Network
There is no cost for members to use these apps, but both apps offer paid subscriptions with additional features. We are currently testing the apps and details are forthcoming.
- Social Committee Update
- Here is a list of things you should know from the Social Committee:
- On Saturday May 4th at noon, we will be having a BBQ at the TRIDON Pickleball Courts (weather permitting). Please bring a bit of cash to pay for your lunch. Many thanks to Lance and Carol Anne for donating a BBQ to the club!
- Don’t forget to RSVP for the June 15th
Season Opener and AGM at https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/my-account/manage/36735/ This is helping us prepare for the day! An optional lunch is being offered and the order form will come out in mid-May. - We are planning some fun games to test your skills during the Season Opener on June 15th. Be sure to let us know if you are coming!
- Watch for an opportunity to order some club swag this season. We will be taking orders for GBPC visors and caps soon.
- We thank all club volunteers who participated in and donated to the Grand Bend Community Cares Clothing Drive this past winter. We are so lucky to have such a generous membership!
Social Committee Members: Caroline, Windy, Kate, Jen, Gabe and Colleen (board rep).
- Logo & Club Swag
- In March the GBPC officially adopted the Grand Bend Pickleball Logo. The Social Committee, through the Board, will oversee the design, order, re-order and sale of club swag or logo-ed items. Please speak to a Board member if you have any questions about the commercial use of the logo. If you would like to see the return of any particular logo-ed item, the Social Committee is interested in your suggestions.
- Member Identification
- Our shoe tags must be worn at all times while on the TRIDON property. Shoe tags can be picked up at the courts during pre-season pop up play or during the regular season beginning May 1st.
- Should you misplace your shoe tag see Dave or Colleen for a replacement. The replacement cost is $10.00.
Court Upgrades and Equipment
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club will be using Franklin X-40 balls outdoors. We have purchased plenty of balls to start the season and they are on site.
We successfully applied for the Grow Your Game grant through Pickleball Ontario and we were able to purchase two nets with the grant. The Board of directors approved the purchase of two additional nets and all four new nets are now on site.
We have removed the tennis nets and added some netting between the courts to prevent balls from traveling into neighbouring courts.
Automated External Defibrillator
We now have an automated external defibrillator or an AED. It is used to help those experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest. If you are trained in the use of an AED and you do not mind having your name posted with the AED, please let a board member know. The AED will be kept in the Club House or on the courts when players are on site.
Leaf Blower & Portable toilet
The Board of Directors has approved the purchase of a new leaf blower and the rental of a Portable toilet. Both are coming soon!
We are grateful for the loan and/or donation of the of following items: shade tent, First Aid Kit (on the wall inside the Club House) and a BBQ.
- Parking on TRIDON Property
- Please be cautious when choosing your parking spot on property. After heavy rain the ground is saturated and some cars have been sinking in the mud. It is best to choose a drier spot along the edge of the driveway or an available spot in the parking lot area.
- There is plenty of room for bicycles near the court’s entrance gate and carpooling is encouraged.
- Honorary GBPC Members
- As a club we are entirely grateful for the use of TRIDON property. Due to the generous donation for the use of TRIDON property, the Courts and Club House, the Grand Bend Pickleball Club Board bestows a 3-season membership upon Suzanne and Don DeJong.
- Documents Review
- All members are invited to review the following document before the Annual General Meeting. The Board will be asking the membership to approve these documents on June 15, 2024 at the AGM. They are posted on our website at https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/club/grand-bend-pickleball-club/35813/
- Bylaws Code of Conduct
- Job Descriptions Mission Statement
- If you would like to provide feedback to the Board about these documents, please email us by May 15, 2024 at grandbendpickleballclub@gmail.com
Keeping informed
It is important for club members to keep informed through our website https://secure.pickleballcanada.org/club/grand-bend-pickleball-club/35813/ and our club’s WhatsApp chat.
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club will email important messages to all members. Please check your junk mail
to ensure our emails are getting through to you. For day-to-day information, we will use the Grand Bend Pickleball Club WhatsApp chat. We are currently posting pre-season pop up play and weather cancelations will also be posted to this chat. Please remember this chat is for club business only. To join the chat, download the app and follow this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BQzjMnYyvX5LDPAJZqBj6h
- Visitors and Guests
- Our membership is currently capped. Once the membership is no longer capped, the Board will work toward a mechanism for including guests on our courts. Currently, all players and SPECTATORS whether members or guests will need to have PAO/PCO memberships in order to play on the private TRIDON Pickleball courts. This is required in order to be covered under our insurance policy. Our guest policy is currently under review. Stay tuned.
The GBPC Board of Directors
23 avril 2024 -
RSVP Season Opener and Annual General Meeting Sat. June 15, 2024
Follow this link to RSVP for our Season Opener and AGM with optional lunch on Saturday June 15, 2024. https://secure.pickleballcanad...
9 avril 2024 -
Notice of Membership Cap and Waitlist & Outdoor Season Begins May 1st
February 29,2024
The Grand Bend Pickleball Club Annual General Meeting and Season Opener
You are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting of the Grand Bend Pickleball Club will be held at the Grand Bend Legion (20 Municipal Dr., Grand Bend) on Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 12 noon.
The GBPC official Season Opener will be held in the morning of June 15th at TRIDON Courts located at 70829 Bluewater Highway. Weather Permitting.
The Lunch and AGM will follow at noon at the Legion. Watch for details coming soon!
The Annual Election for the new Board members will be held prior to June 15th.Details are forthcoming from our Nominating/Election Committee.
Committees Thank you to all the people who signed up to work on our committees:
Nominating Committee – None at present (2-3 members needed)
Election Committee – Jim Ennis, Cam Wright (1 more member needed)
Programming Committee – Chris Holder (chair), Asher Clark, Kim Martin, Kevin O’Reilly, Cam Wright
Financial committee- Phil McNamee (chair) Marian Vickers, Kate McCreath, (1 more member needed)
Liaison Committee – Peter Coleman (chair), Board members on rotation
Social committee – Caroline Mouawad (chair), Jen Ennis, Windy Holder, Kate McCreath, Gabe Ortisi (Helpers: Colleen Strong, Kim Martin, Dori Seccareccia)
Membership Identification
The Board has decided to implement shoe tags as a means to identify members while playing on the TRIDON Pickleball Courts. Our shoe tags are in production and once they are distributed, they must be worn at all times while on the courts.
Together with the Programming Committee, the Board is working toward a mechanism for including guests on our courts. Currently, all players whether members or guests will need to have PAO/PCO memberships in order to play on the private TRIDON Pickleball courts. This is required in order to be covered under our insurance policy.
The GBPC is a social organization whose members come together to enjoy each other’s company as much as to enjoy the game of Pickleball. It is very common for the club and individual members to take pictures and videos to capture special moments. Some of these pictures and videos are shared on various social media accounts and the club webpage. If you have an objection to being included in these pictures and/or videos, please inform the Board by filling out the photo waiver under the members section of the webpage and make sure to let the club host at the event know your preference as well.
Club Sanctioned Events
Club sanctioned events are events or activities approved by the Board and initiated by a Committee or the Board of Directors. All Club events or activities will be open to all club members, but some events may have a cap on the number of participants and/or may require a signup system to reserve a spot to attend. The club will endeavour to have club sanctioned social events open to all members and may be open to guests/spouses or partners as well. Events that include alcohol are not covered by our insurance policy.
The GBPC Board of Directors