Pickleball New Brunswick - Pickleball Nouveau-Brunswick

Our Board

Marie Camille Roussel

Marie Camille started playing pickleball in May 2020 as a practice partner for her spouse. She quickly became a fan of the sport despite the fact that she had never played any sport in the past. She then began organizing tournaments with her partner. She also served on the PBNB board in the past as the Marketing and Membership Director. 

Her goal as President is to work with the board of directors, the New Brunswick pickleball clubs and Pickleball Canada to grow the sport of pickleball in the province.


Vacant Position - To find out more about the position please contact pickleballnb@outlook.com

Richard Doucet

Richard started to play pickleball in 2016 after he had been convinced by his wife to "give it a try". Since then, he has been completely addicted to the sport convincing co-workers, friends, and family members to join in the fun. He loves the feeling when he makes a perfect shot.

His goal within PBNB is to help promote and elevate the professionalism of the sport of Pickleball in New Brunswick.

Sylvie Walsh

Sylvie stumbled upon pickleball in January of 2024 and she has been hooked since. She plays at least 4 to 5 times a week and she thanks Pickleball for helping her get stronger both physically and mentally. She is super excited to be a part of the team and is willing to help volunteer whenever she can. 

As a professional administrative assistant with over 25 years of experience under her belt, her goal is to encourage good communication that will bring all the communities together to expand the sport of pickleball across the province.

Marie Thibeault
Director of Membership and Communications

Marie started to play pickleball in 2018 with her partner as they were looking for something fun they could do together, even before they retired, and they were hooked from the very first lesson. Since then, Marie has played in and organized tournaments, has organized events for her local club, has promoted the sport of pickleball to anyone who will listen to her and recently, she has taken her Level 1 Coaching Certification training.

Marie is very committed to increasing awareness of the sport and to engage players at all levels. Her goal will focus on reaching out to as many new players as possible and helping non-affiliated clubs to become affiliated.

Director of Business Development

Vacant Position - To find out more about the position please contact pickleballnb@outlook.com

Denis Ross
Director of Referees

Denis started to play pickleball in 2019. He likes the sport because it helps him stay active and he likes meeting new people. Denis is a Level 2 ref,  a former RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces member. He  was also the Head coach of the Women's Hockey Program at Université de Moncton for more than ten years.

His goal with PBNB is to train more Level 1 and Level 2 referees and to educate players on the rules as well as encouraging players to take the online quiz for players. Denis has had the opportunity to referee at National and Provincial Championships.

Eric Frenette
Director of Youth Programs

Since starting playing pickleball in early 2023, Eric has been in love with the sport. Coming from a racquet background, he enjoys the strategic and patience of the game. Eric has contributed over 15 years to several non for profit organizations.

His goal is to promote and develop pickleball to youth in the province of New Brunswick.

Linda Cormier
Director of Para Pickleball

Linda started playing pickleball in 2022. As a long time tennis player she thought she'd give it a try after retiring from her teaching career. She thought the game looked "easy and more for older people" but soon found out that wasn't the case! She loves the strategy of the game and finding ways to improve. As a retired Resource teacher, Linda has worked with students with special needs, including those with physical limitations. 

Her goal is getting more people involved in para pickleball so they can discover and become addicted to the sport like so many others.

Don O'Brien
Director of tournaments

Don has followed his wife to tournaments for many years. Although not a competitive player himself, he has managed the running of several tournaments in the Maritimes. These include provincial championships, Atlantic championships and many others. He is experienced with the pickleball brackets system, and his knowledge and experience are a great asset to his position as Tournament Director. 

His goal is to be a reliable resource for New Brunswick members who desire to learn more about organizing tournaments.