Pickleball Guelph Association


Important Notice:
To ensure our current members have access to our available playing times and services, we are capping our membership until further notice.
We are actively exploring more playing times and locations and anticipate sharing updates in the near future. With these anticipated additional playtimes, more Volunteer Marshals are required. Volunteers must be current PGA members. Being a PGA Volunteer Marshal has its benefits; you always have a spot to play after the initial intake! Please email Janet at: volunteers@pickleballguelph.com
We greatly appreciate your support for the Pickleball Guelph Association, and we remain committed to serving our members and promoting pickleball in Guelph.
Thank you.
The PGA Team

Pickleball Guelph Association

The Pickleball Guelph Association exists to provide a fun, healthy, recreational activity for its members and guests while promoting the exercise, development of skills, and enjoyment of pickleball.

Our pickleball association is located in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. The association is open to all regardless of location. Our goal is for all members to feel welcome within both our pickleball and general communities. We promote diversity, safety, sportsmanship, social interaction, and fun! We want all players to focus on these objectives in recreational and competitive play so that everyone has an enjoyable experience playing pickleball.


PGA Indoor Play Opportunities can be found under the "Events" heading. (currently limited to Member's only)

Many in our group use Playtime Scheduler a free app to organize games at outdoor courts.

You might also like to look at our: Places to Play for other playing opportunities in the Guelph area.

If you are interested in having the PGA put on a particular event such as a clinic or a tournament, reach out and let us know what your interests are. At the very least, we can check out what we might be able to do.


Dedicated Pickleball Courts

The Pickleball Guelph Association will be investigating the viability of creating dedicated indoor and outdoor courts. Part of the process will be to secure funding for these playing facilities. These funds will be secured through fundraising activities such as the City of Guelph engagement, private sector sponsorship, donations and grants. More information to follow.

Have an idea? Contact us at: Pickleball Guelph

Pickleball Guelph Association
  • Summer Play, Non_Members also Welcome!

    Complete information and the registration link are available at the link below (read more):

    Read More
  • PGA Member Syl Painchaud wins silver at Minto!
  • PGA Caps Membership

    Important Notice:
    To ensure our current members have access to our available playing times and services, we are capping our membership until further notice.
    We are actively exploring more playing times and locations and anticipate sharing updates in the near future. With these anticipated additional play times, more Volunteer Marshals are required. Being a PGA Volunteer Marshal has its benefits; you always have a spot to play after the initial intake!
    Please email Janet at: volunteers@pickleballguelph.com
    We greatly appreciate your support for the Pickleball Guelph Association, and we remain committed to serving our members and promoting pickleball in Guelph.
    Thank you.
    The PGA Team

  • Winter/Spring Indoor Play - current PGA members only
    Read More
  • Good Health Priority

    We kindly urge any member who is feeling unwell or showing signs of a cold, flu, Covid or any other respiratory illness to refrain from participating in club activities until they are symptom-free. We prioritize the health and well-being of all our members, and it is imperative that we all play our part in maintaining a safe and healthy environment within our club.

  • Let's get organized!

    With outdoor courts now opening up, it's time to start organizing and playing! However, we know that finding others to play with can be challenging. If we all use the same tool, connecting will be easier. We are suggesting that by all using Playtime Scheduler as a helpful tool for coordinating your games, we can connect with ease and make scheduling a breeze!
    Playtime Scheduler
    The PGA will continue to offer indoor play opportunities for those who prefer to play in a controlled environment. This is also a great option. So whether you like indoor, outdoor play or both, there are playing
    options this year!

  • Smash out kindness and score big with PGA Volunteers!

    Visit our new Volunteer page!

  • Thank you to our newest sponsor
  • "Tis the Season to recongnize those who help make our PGA possible!

  • PGA Incorporates

    The Pickleball Guelph Association is now incorporated. That gives us a larger scope in terms of credibility and leverage when it comes to applying for grants and sponsorships. It also gives pickleball players in Guelph a much stronger presence and voice when dealing with companies, organizations or institutions. This can include anything from establishing playing venues to acquiring merchandise to fundraising.

    April 28th, 2022