Pickleball Regina Inc.

Indoor Programs at the Queen City Pickleball Hub

In partnership with the Queen City Pickleball Hub, Pickleball Regina offers a comprehensive set of organized indoor programs year round to all active PRI members. 

The court fees to participate in these events is paid directly to QCPH - view link for prices and details.

Click here to see the Indoor PRI Programs at QCPH live schedule (best viewed on PC).


Weekly RSVPs for these programs are handled via the QCPH Court Reserve application. If you haven't done so already, we recommend installing the related Court Reserve mobile app. You can find it on:

To register for indoor programs, you must have the following setup in Court Reserve:

Court Reserve Mobile App Instructions

Create Account (new users only)

After downloading the CourtReserve App:

  1. Select "Join Organization"
  2. Search for "Queen City Pickleball Hub"
  3. Select "Create Account"
  4. Fill out required fields, and select "PRI Rating Category"
  5. Click to the sign the QCPH waiver
  6. Select "Save Signature"
  7. EMAIL membership@pickleballregina.ca to be added to the "PRI Group" within Court Reserve.

 Once complete, you should be able to Register For PRI Events


    Payment Profile

    Rating Category

    Register For An Event